sedentary lifestyle eating!

i'm a student so i spend most of my day sitting down in a class of some sort.. what are some good, healthy (as in minimally processed or wholesome!), low calorie foods that won't screw up my blood sugar? fruits are good and low calorie, but i'm worried that too much fruit in my diet will make my blood sugars shoot up and work against fat loss :( i need stuff thats portable, cheap, and low profile aka won't stink up the classroom (eggs and fish) or be really noisy (prepacked snacks or ultra crunchy!) i know this is a hard list of criteria but i'm having trouble thinking -___- thank you!


  • BrittBrat1787
    BrittBrat1787 Posts: 136 Member
    I was going to tell you maybe some baby carrots or sugar snap peas but those are loud snacks lol. Try making your own protein bars. You'll know what's in them and they will keep you on track.
  • brainzap
    brainzap Posts: 145 Member
    - Cherry tomatoes
    - Yogurt (I get Siggi's when I'm at school because I don't like plain yoghurt and it has the least sugar of all the flavored yoghurts, I personally like blueberry)
    - Berries
    - Sliced up bananas
  • volume77
    volume77 Posts: 670 Member
    i second the cherry tomatoes
    -sugarfree jello pcks
    -low carb tortilla w peanut butter
    -deli meat
    cheese sticks