New :)

My name I Lori, I am 43 years old. I am new here, I created my account a long time ago but never used it, so here I am. I have 6 children ages 11 1/2 to 23, 4 of which are all adults and living on their own, I have the two youngest who I home school. Have been married for 15 years, we are a blended family. I am also a full time college student myself, I do my degree all online for about 2 years now, and have 2 to go. I am going to start my program on June 1st and am looking for some friends for support. I am not very motivated and give up easily. Every time I want to lose weight I do real good, then I just give up. I don't want to give up. I want to be more healthy and active, I have no energy and am tired all the time, and have gained back all the weight I lost last summer and then some. I need friends who won't give up on me when I give up on myself. I thought I had one and I had explained to her the same thing I did here, but instead of supporting me and pushing me not to give up, she got mad and quit talking to me altogether. I have heard a lot of good things about this site and the people, I hope I can make some friends and we can support one another through our journeys, whatever our reasons are. Looking forward to talking to you!