Question about BMR and excercise

So my BMR is 1600 now if i only eat this amount per day does that mean ill loose weight even if i dnt excercise? Also what happens if i don't eat 1600 cals am i risking going into "starvation mode"? What about if i eat 1600 and work out and burn 400 do i risk "starvation mode? Some days I'm struggling to actually eat healthily and get all my cals in :-/
I'm struggling to get my head round it all lol


  • Live4theLift
    Live4theLift Posts: 329
    If your BMR is 1600 that means if you lay in bed all day you burn 1600 cals a day. That said if you eat 1600 a day anything you do besides lay in bed ie walk around the grocery store, swim, play catch ect will burn calories that are not accounted for so yes 1600 a day would lead to weight loss.
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    You should eat AT LEAST your BMR each day. If you have an active day, I'd eat back some of your 'exercise' calories to ensure you are feeding your body enough. Your bmr and tdee (Total Daily energy expenditure) are very different, and you have to account for those calories, or your body will not respond the way you want it to (like trying to drive a car across the country with 1/4 tank of gas. :)