Scottish, mum, Weight Watcher, near goal...add?

Hi there,

I'm just looking to add some like-minded people on here to keep me inspired, motivated and to share our tips and journeys together.

I'm predominantly a Weight Watcher, but I'm back to MFP because I'm curious about my calorie intake/deficit and also my nutrient balance.

I lost 92lbs back in 2002-05, and maintained a healthy weight until about 2010 where I took on a sedentary and stressful job. My weight went up, and then I got pregnant and just lost grip on it completely! My second son was born in September last year, and I've been back on the weight loss train ever since. I'm nearly back to my WW goal, but would ideally like to lose 7lbs or so more after that.

I do Zumba and have also recently started Kettlercise, so if you're into those things too feel free to add me.

I swear I'm not as boring as this post makes me sound...I just suck at intros!! :blushing:


  • melsy21
    melsy21 Posts: 193 Member
    Good morning.. I have had great success with weight watchers in the past but let myself go and gained every pound back :mad:

    So long story short? I've just joined WW again but I am attending weekly meetings for weigh in and support... So I'm nowhere near my goal but feel free to friend me... The support from my MFP pals has been so amazing ????