weightloss pills

sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
ok, so i found two bottles of weightloss pills today, that i forgot about ages ago (they arent expierd though) they are zantrax3 and relacore...i used them awhile back and they worked really well..should i use them again? the first time i gained all the weight back-but that was most likely just beacuse i stopped even trying.but still i dont want to take it forever and i dont want to gian back the weight once i get off it.


  • funkyspunky871
    funkyspunky871 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Sure, why not? I've never taken zantrax or relacore, but if you have them, go ahead. No reason for two bottles of pills to go to waste. Whoever said weightloss pills don't work? All I hear about them is negativity. I take alli and it works perfectly. And if your pills worked well for you, take them again. No problem. Just make sure you don't lose too much weight too fast.

    EDIT: In response to your edit, if you feel they were a factor in regaining all the weight back, don't take them then. It's all up to you. Honestly, I think you probably gained the weight back just because you stopped trying, you know? I'd use up the pills and stop there. Maybe they'll just give a boost to your weight loss.
  • FabiolaEnvy♥
    i wouldnt recommend it. sure they work. but their a fast way to doing it. then once you get off of it... all the weight just gain back... but not only that but it messes with your metabolism and that can be bad. beside? why have chemical then natural things in your body? what is a better way to losing weight slowly but surely