please lol im new to all of this :-/

my age is 25 im female im 5ft 10 and I weigh 169lb my goal is to be 141lb

im struggling to work out my tdee because I have no idea what to pit for my exercise. Im a stay at home mum and wife so do all the housework while my husband works Im running around after 3 kids all day so im allways on the go but I don't know if that's exercise perse iykwim.

Im hoping to get some weight of then I would like to tone up to show slight muscle definition so at the min im not really doing any additional excersise but once ive sorted all this out im hoping to sort out a work out routine while I will do no less than 5 days a week

Im so confused with all of this eeek


  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    From what I got from the Scooby Calculator...I put in Light exercise (1-3 hrs a week)...your TDEE 2192 - 20% = 1754... Could be more if you factor in more exercise. From f2f for you (light exercise) I got 2035......
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    how do 2 different sites come back with 2 totally different numbers :-/ not even a small difference
  • hifi898
    hifi898 Posts: 54
    They use different measurement formulas out there (ie. Ketch McArdle vs. Mifflin-St Joer vs. Harris Benedict). Honestly, this is where I'm confused too. I attempted at some point to figure out what my TDEE is, but got anything ranging from 1500 cals/day to 2100!
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    I use the Scooby method..
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    ok soo which methods actually rein true and show results?
  • NutellaAddict
    NutellaAddict Posts: 1,258 Member
    Consistency and hard work.
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    which calculation methods I meant for tdee :-) think im gunna have a go with the Scooby method. ive been looking at a few online and most fall close to this.
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    once I have established an excersise routine should I factor this into my TDEE I think im going to be doing some walking hopefully working upto jogging about 4 mile a day some stationary bike and cruches/sit ups to tone my belly
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    This is another really good one:

    When inputting your goal weight, use your current weight :)
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    fat2fit is giving me over 2000 ive never eaten that much in my life lol before dieting I was probably eating about 1900-2000 calories and I was gradually gaining was very slow gain over months but was a gain :-/
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    I've been struggling to work out my TDEE too. It's really confusing that different sites give you different numbers and the definitions of light exercise or moderate are always diffrent. So I never know what to put. I found this site which allows you to enter exactly what you do in minutes. I have put in my numbers for the 7 days of the week and averaged them out.

    I haven't looked at your diary or anything (I feel like i'm spying on people if I do, LOL) but I wonder if you are tracking your calories and weighing all your portions. I'm usually wrong in ALL my guesses, if I then weigh my food. For example at breakfast I have a small bowl and fill it with cereal. I then fill it with milk. Once I weighed/measured this I realised that I was having more than double the 'portion' size on the packet - 60g as opposed to 30g and 100ml of milk instead of the packet's 60ml. I was shocked! It seems that you can eat a lot more than you think you are eating, so weighing stuff helps. Now I just eat the bowl of cereal and put in the weight I measured before - I don't weigh again.
  • FitChimi
    FitChimi Posts: 41

    ^^^^This. It asks more questions about how much activity you actually do, so to me it seems more accurate.
  • jadeyq1
    jadeyq1 Posts: 178 Member
    When I worked out my TDEE, I input my exercise as sedentary. That way on days when I don't exercise I eat the basic calories that the calculator suggests but on days when I do exercise I can input my exercise on to MFP and eat some of those calories back. I personally find that an easier way to do it than to guess what your activity level is and it's unlikely that you will be eating too many calories if you calculate on the assumption that you do no exercise.

    If you calculate your TDEE with exercise included, remember that you musn't eat any of your exercise calories back as they are already included.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Sedentary: 1933
    Lightly Active: 2216
    Moderately Active: 2498
    Highly Active: 2780
    Extremely Active: 3062

    I'd say go by lightly or moderately active.
  • victoriannsays
    victoriannsays Posts: 568 Member
    go with the light or moderately active setting for TDEE. this isn't the absolute answer to all of your problems though - sometimes TDEE and calorie numbers have to be experimented with over time. It takes patience. It took me a few months to find out what worked for me. If you stick to you, you will figure it out and see results that you are looking for.
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    how often do you guys update your tdee because obviously it changes with the weight you loose?
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Don't forget after this, you have to also be accurate in your tracking. Its all about how accurate are you going to get. do you have a food scale? HRM? Fit bit?

    Organic systems are pretty nasty with nailing down exact numbers. Good luck super complex carbon being!
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    When I worked out my TDEE, I input my exercise as sedentary. That way on days when I don't exercise I eat the basic calories that the calculator suggests but on days when I do exercise I can input my exercise on to MFP and eat some of those calories back. I personally find that an easier way to do it than to guess what your activity level is and it's unlikely that you will be eating too many calories if you calculate on the assumption that you do no exercise.

    If you calculate your TDEE with exercise included, remember that you musn't eat any of your exercise calories back as they are already included.

    ^^^ I'm with jadeyq1. ^^^
  • leahslooloo
    leahslooloo Posts: 57
    I weigh everything I even weight out fruit instead of selecting small medium or large piece of fruit. I think I have taken some weighing to an extreme lol I even weigh out 1tsp of sugar because all different spoons are different sizes lol
    Im not currently strictly sticking to any specific exercise so im not monitoring heartrate etc im hoping to get some sort of exercise plan in place soon as I want to tone up a lot aswell.