Should I raise calories to BMR?

Hanjamlan Posts: 34 Member
For months now I have been doing the whole 1200 or under calories thing. Ive seen no results. Im 5' 3", 122 lbs and my BMR is 1350. I have upped my calories before and i gained so ive always been really freaked out to go higher. So my question is, can y'all tell me your success stories when you raised your calories to your BMR. Should I keep my calories at 1200 or should I move it to 1350 and ALWAYS make sure to eat that amount? Will I lose weight if i do that?


  • kristina1709
    kristina1709 Posts: 119 Member
    IMO- Yes. I am 5'3 and am currently at 130 lbs. Right now I am eating 1600 calories. I am working on eating more so I do not lose too much more weight and to get my body used to more calories for maintenance since it says I need 1900 ish to maintain my current weight. My BMR is about 1350-1400. I have been eating at my BMR or higher for a month now and I have lost weight. I also run 4 days a week. I dont usually eat my calories back on days I run but since i am training for a half marathon the farther I get into training I know I will need to eat back the calories I burn because I really dont need to lose more weight. I need to properly fuel my body.

    There are a lot of people here who will say yes eat at your BMR. Your BMR is the minimum number of calories that your body and organs need in order to function properly. You are only increasing it 150 calories.. and really thats not a lot. Its what one snack?
  • Leeann1979
    Leeann1979 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You will not gain weight on 1300 calories a day. It takes 3,500 extra calories on top of what you already burn to gain a pound of fat. You may see an initial jump on the scale, but it will go back down. 1300 (or whatever the exact number was) is a very small amount of food. You need to eat to fuel your body and workouts. You'll burn out eventually by eating so little and eventually fall off the wagon. I have done it several times and will never eat that little to lose weight ever again. Unless you think you can eat that little for the rest of your life, increase your calories. Also, eat back your exercise calories.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    When you say you've been doing 1200 or under "for months"... how long are we talking?

    Health issues aside, my guess is that you are eating more than you think. Either you're not logging everything or not measuring correctly. Or both. You should not be gaining on 1300 cals, and you should certainly be losing on 1200.
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