Losing motivation?

I am having a really hard time sticking to my diet lately. I'm just not motivated some days. I'll wake up, eat something that was a little bad for me, then get into the mindset where I think 'well, I already ate that, might as well eat free the rest of the day', and I end up EXTREMELY overdoing it instead of making a little slip up. I've lost sixteen pounds so far, I don't wanna gain it back and I have a lot more I wanna lose. :(. Any advice? :(


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :flowerforyou: Before you go to bed tonight, make a plan for what you are going to eat tomorrow, lot it onto MFP and make the decision to stick to your plan......log onto MFP during the day and read posts from other people to remind you that losing weight is still important to you. do this one day at a time.......plan to take some walks during the day.
  • hooah_mj
    hooah_mj Posts: 1,004 Member
    You gotta plan everything!
    Shop only for those things you will put to work for you....
    Count your cals and accommodate for them.

    Schedule your workouts and allow yourself a treat that you can look forward to, either for the end of your day, week, or month.
    But whatever you do, you gotta get focused to be successful...You can do this.
  • mommamills
    mommamills Posts: 437
    if cheating a lil is going to put you in the mindset to cheat a lot......I would stay away from it period!!!! You've done so well to get where you are and it would def suck to throw it all away now. I allow myself to cheat a lil if I absolutely cannot stand it, but I only allow one thing and then in return I have to burn off at least that many calories that day. That way, if you really feel like taking the night off, you might not endulge yourself in that icecream, or if you don't want to work out 'HARD' you might only have a scoop rather than a bowl full! I've gotten to the point where I can just take a bite or two of something that I really want and it be enough rather than having to eat the whole thing! allow yourself only one cheat day or at the very least......ONE non-diet-friendly thing a day (baby steps) that way you might at least pick and choose the things you really want rather than eating a candy bar in the afternoon AND icecream after dinner. good luck! you can do it! :drinker:
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Yeah, I agree with the planning. Look at your home as your controlled environment. YOU are the queen of the castle, and you can control what goes into it. If the junk doesn't come into the house, it's not there to tempt you. :smile:
  • ksills05
    ksills05 Posts: 11
    I love that you can enter food in for the next day! i think that's really helpful!
  • NaturalMom
    NaturalMom Posts: 85
    I completely understand and am right there with you. I have hit this plateau that I just can't seem to shake and my motivation has plummeted. All the suggestions above are really good. During my last plateau, the Beck Diet Solution workbook helped me a lot with emotional eating and "cheating." Right now I am struggling with the extra calories associated with a conversion from "diet" and "sugar-free" options to whole foods and natural fats. I used to "cheat" with sugar-free hot chocolate and marshmallows at night and now I end up cheating with a bowl of cereal because that is all I have in the house. Guess I am going to have to get rid of that next! You can do it, though. We both can! Good luck!
  • ssmom
    ssmom Posts: 128 Member
    Might want to try finding some different foods or recipes, maybe you are getting bored with the same old stuff. Find ways to make something you like low cal or try to spice up something you are already eating. My family has always been about food and I find it very hard to eat plain and boring. I made some very good chicken enchiladas this weekend by using low cal stuff and eating just a portion of it. It tasted like I was eating very bad, but I wasn't. Hope you stick to it, I know I am trying my best this week because of the holiday weekend coming up with cookouts and beer! Good luck!
  • sarahsmom1
    sarahsmom1 Posts: 1,501 Member
    It may sound stupid but when I want to cheat like yesterday I saw a commercial for smores omg it looked good. All I do is text 1 word like smores, chocolate to my sister-in-law and she texts me back in length on how this is not a good choice I need to think healthy, you really don't want it etc by the time i get the text back to read it the feeling is gone It helps me a lot