Calorie Deficit!

nnm1976 Posts: 19 Member
In reviewing my stats, I just noticed that I'm "calorie deficient" by almost 700 calories a week. That can't be healthy. I lead a very active lifestyle, run, bike rides, chase after a toddler etc. I watch what I eat, but I am NO dieter. I'm finding it difficult to consume my workout calories. Anyone else having the same issue? Should I add an extra snack into the mix? I'm currently eating 1200 calories a day, I want to lose weight the healthiest way possible and definitely don't want my body to go into "starvation" mode! Help!


  • sozisraw
    sozisraw Posts: 418 Member
    If your weight loss stalls then you should up calories, if it slows down to a miserable amount , up calories and workouts.
    I eat back some or all of my exercise calories if I feel I need to . Eat healthy, exercise well, rest well , that's my advice!
  • nnm1976
    nnm1976 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks for your feedback! I was looking at as I was almost losing a 1/2 day of food and thinking...that can't be right! lol I will have to watch my weight a little closer (something I really haven't been doing) and use that as an indicator!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    1200 is really low if you're active. How is your MFP profile set up? Did you set it for sedentary or active? It might be a good idea at your activity level to figure out your TDEE and eat at a 20% cut from that ( That way you won't have to worry about adding in your exercise calories and you'll know you're eating enough to fuel all that running around with the kids.
  • nnm1976
    nnm1976 Posts: 19 Member
    I think I put that I was "sedentary" because I work at my desk pretty much the entire day. But after work, I'm ALL over the place! Just looked at the "scoobyworkshop" website you referenced below and I love it!! Thanks for responding...apparently I'm eating 1/2 the amount I should be!!!! I'm losing weight...haven't hit any road blocks yet...but I have been tired...

    Thanks for your response...very helpful!!