Not new, but back.

nicca_jb Posts: 1,278 Member
Hello Sweeties,

I just (re-)signed up for MFP after a hiatus. New identity, new me, all that. Last weekend I did my first ever fun 5K (The Color Run) and was totally winded partway through, but had a lot of fun doing it... and that prompted me to get the C25K app... and new shoes for running/walking... and to sign up here again.

If you knew me as jedibunny before, I'd gladly re-add you - and I'm also looking for new people to spur me along.

That said: I realized what I did wrong last time around, and it was getting too caught up in the goofy social-ness of the convos and groups that had nothing to do with fitness (sorry guys! you still rock!!) and using that as an excuse to muck around on the site just like any other social networking thing, and disregard the reasons I actually started here in the first place: to get healthy! So this time around, I only plan on joining the groups that actually pertain to my fitness and lifestyle goals, and to work with my friends to get us all where we need to be.

A little about me:

- 5'6"
- CW: 157
- GW: 130 -- unless I turn more of the weight into muscle, but even then, I'd like 135 tops.
- vegetarian (lacto-ovo) by birth, have either accidentally or unwittingly had animal products (or chosen to ignore animal based additives), but never eaten meat or fish intentionally, and not sure about whether or how to change that. fiancé hates it.
- geek, mostly sedentary, work from home, gamer, sci-fi'er, etc.
- have small dog, walk it often
- currently recalculating caloric intake goals, so disregard the 1200 limit that's currently showing on the profile
- I love lamp?

What I'm looking for:

- friends who have similar goals
- friends who have similar work lives and who have ideas on how to be more active given sedentary nature of job
- friends who can teach me to cook better meals
- friends who know about BMR and don't eat less than 1200
- friends who are friendly
- friends who are Whovian -- thanks for the reminder brattyworm

So, hello! Hit me up if you know me or want to know me. xo
