
Dharinne Posts: 6 Member
Hello there! I am very new here, and have been playing around with it for a few days. I have tried other sites, and was a long time Weight Watcher member for a while. I am a 33 year old teacher, who is married and has 2 step children. (twin boys) I love riding horses and being outside with my many pets. :happy:

I know that tracking is super important and without it I am really out of control. I am really liking the bar code scanner with this program. It's helping me be a little more honest. Since I haven only been tracking 3 days (this time around), I have found that I am lacking motivation to eat well. I know I need to get myself back in check because the scale is inching it's way up, and I am not feeling great. I would love to hear some ideas of how you guys keep yourself in the game?


  • misssalley
    misssalley Posts: 12
    Welcome! This is my second round at FitnessPal and the first time I lost 17 pounds! You can really get success here! My advice would be to be honest and log everything. Also, dont beat yourself up if you go over your calories sometimes. The calorie counter clears the next day and gives you neverending chances to start over :) I drink chilled green tea with lemon throughout the day to curve my appetite and I plan my meals ahead of time. So if Im having a bigger dinner, I'll have soup and salad for breakfast/lunch. I am a new mom to a 9 month old so I dont always have gym time but I make sure to be active everyday by walking to the store, cleaning up in a extra speedy way lol or just throwing my baby in a stroller and saying "Im walking 20 minutes at least" and wander my neighborhood hahaha