Ever been afraid you'd end up with an eating disorder



  • lalaland82
    lalaland82 Posts: 176 Member
    Not from this site - it tells you off for eating too little :happy:
  • ceceoplaymate
    ceceoplaymate Posts: 63 Member
    Yep- I have been there...but I know how I am, I am sure if I am not strong enough I would get back into that mind set.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    When I first started and was obsessing over the 1200 calories thing, I saw that it was a path that could be easily traveled and it wasn't what I wanted. Thankfully, I found better options for me and am no longer obsessing and fearful of food.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    No. My goal is to become big and muscular while still being somewhat lean. Emaciation does not appeal to me. I want my bones to be less visible but from increased muscle, not increased fat.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Nope. Only thing I'm afraid of is waking up one day and looking like an olympic athlete. THE HORROR OF HAVING 8-PACK ABS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    I had ED issues as a teenager, which is almost helpful because I recognize the thought patterns. Whenever I start feeling like I'm sliding into that, I stop cutting and eat at maintenance for awhile. It's taken me longer than most to lose the weight I have, but it keeps me sane.
  • mammakisses
    mammakisses Posts: 604 Member
    Nah I love food too much!
  • alexsis88
    alexsis88 Posts: 36 Member
    I don't struggle with it now because I have confidence in my body and myself. But from ages 14-16 I was anorexic. Struggled with it I was 5'4" at the time got down to 98lb. I remember jogging twice a day and would beat myself up over eating a handful of crackers. My parents had marital problems a lot then and i was kinda in the middle of it so I took it out on myself. I'm still somewhat insecure now but I do not have a disorder instead I have confidence
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    Nope. I'm not worried at all.
  • inksyrup
    inksyrup Posts: 81 Member
    MFP definitely triggered--and still continues to trigger--my eating disorder. My mindset when I first starting counting calories was, "Why 1,200? If that can make me lose weight, I bet I could go even lower!" It's also frustrating to see that no matter how much weight people lose, they're never really satisfied. It made me feel like no matter what I did, it wasn't good enough. That was just my mindset at the time, anyway.

    Losing weight is a funny thing. I see people with goal weights close to my weight now, but I'm not happy with where I am. I always thought I'd be, but that's where the ED kicks in. :P

    I'm doing a lot better now, but I still have my days (this whole week has been hell). I'm just thankful that I have a very supportive mother and group of friends who remind me that they'll love me no matter what I look like.

    I never want anyone to have to live through the hell that I did...so if any of you guys think you might be developing an ED, or just need support, please feel free to add or message me!
  • SeaStar
    SeaStar Posts: 113
    MFP did the opposite for me. I was bulimic from the age of 17 up to 23, though the frequency was less after I had developed 3 abscesses in my throat (terrible, I know). Using MFP helped me gain control and understanding of what I eat and how my body will use the energy. It helped me transform from being a soft, skinny, depressed bulimic girl to focusing on feeling ok to eat food and how important exercise is too. Now I am nice and tone and full of energy.

    I will say at times when I have poor eating days it tends to make me feel guilty; the same guilt I felt when I dealt with my eating disorder. That can be very depressing sometimes, but I do my best to not let it sink in and just enjoy myself and food.
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i can't speak for everyone in the ed community, but this site can be very triggering
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    Seriously. With all the calorie counting, weighing in, and working out have you ever been afraid you may become scale obsessed and/or develop an eating disorder? Some people who who have been heavy all of their life develop one because they become obsessive about keeping it off or don't know when to stop losing.

    I suppose one can go from being a compulsive overeater to becoming a compulsive undereater. But I never was a compulsive overeater, so I don't expect that I will become compulsive about food one way or the other. I enjoy eating and I really enjoy nourishing my body with great-tasting, health-building foods. :smile:
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I'm not worried about an eating disorder, but I am worried that I enjoy the scale and non-scale victories so much, that I won't be able to stop at my perceived goal.

    After I reach my goal, I will still log in for maintenance and to see how everyone is doing for a while. I've never been "at maintenance" before, so I assume it will take some time getting used to.
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    I already suffer from an eating disorder. I tend to either binge eat or overeat. This site has made me more aware of what I am doing.
  • awesomek001
    awesomek001 Posts: 167 Member
    I already suffer from an eating disorder. I tend to either binge eat or overeat. This site has made me more aware of what I am doing.

    Does the idea of having a disorder scare me? You bet! I consider "eating disorders" anything that has to do with an unhealthy relationship with food. Whether that be over eating, under eating, rapid diets, fad diets, yo-yo dieting, compulsive counting - - - anything that keeps you at a disadvantageous relationship with food is a disorder.

    Yup, I worry about it a lot, actually. Having been larger for my entire life, I know that I don't have what is considered a normal body image, and I can be immensely compulsive about tracking. However, that also works somewhat in my favor - in that I get to see how my choices affect my well being.
  • workavoidance
    I see a lot of people posting about how they aren't worried about eating disorders... with comments that suggest they already have one.

    Obsessing over eating healthy or "clean" is now a classified eating disorder - orthorexia. Being addicted to excessive amounts of exercised can be classified as an eating disorder. Any unusual pattern of eating ( cutting out specific foods or entire food groups, cleanses, doing cycles of fasting, etc. ) can be classified as disordered eating. Any abnormal preoccupation with food (calorie counting) can basically be an indication of an eating disorder. Being obsessively focused on having an ideal athletic physique is as much of an eating disorder as being obsessively focused on having a super thin one.

    You don't need to be emaciated or throwing up to have an eating disorder.
  • veganashley
    veganashley Posts: 70 Member
    Absolutely. I've been on MFP for 6 months and I've become incredibly obsessive about my logging. I'm maintaining right now and I'm scared of gaining. It's really becoming a problem for me.
  • Kagemori
    Kagemori Posts: 88 Member
    ive been an emotional binge eater pretty much my entire life. when I get depressed or said all I want to do is eat, then I feel horrible for eating which makes me even more depressed which makes me eat even more.

    Lately though its been like a switch clicked in my brain. I eat only 1200 cals a day, sometimes a little less but ive seriously contemplated just not eating at all or eating an extremely small amount of food a day. I think that's where the 1200 cals is coming from cause im actually supposed to be taking in more than that but I refuse to.

    I dunno where im going with this, and I don't know if once I start loosing more weight i'll be able to stop or slow down. I don't really plan on just continuously loosing and loosing but it is a thought that somewhat concerns me.
  • pinkgurl87
    pinkgurl87 Posts: 25
    I used to have an eating disorder and ya I'm afraid of going back to it but I can't stand being fat.