1570 calories in 75 min on the life fitness XT? Help!

I currently do aerobics cross training at Level 20 (the highest on the machine) on Life fitness total body system at the gym. I am asked my age and weight but not sex..I am just panicking slightly as to the accuracy of the results. Typically, it claims I burn 600 calories every 30 minutes. I weigh 106kg and I am 5ft 10 inches. Can anyone confirm that these results?:huh:


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Even in my hardest work outs, according to my HRM, I have never burned more than 12-13 calories in a minute - and that is working so hard I couldn't possibly maintain that level for 75 minutes. The highest I've ever had for 60 minutes was 800 calories and I think that was pretty liberal despite it being an *kitten*-kicking workout. My average burn for 30 minutes working out HARD is 300 calories, 400 if I'm really pushing myself nonstop, even when I weighed what you weigh and more.

    I would never believe 1570 for 75 minutes. I'm not even sure that's possible, actually.

    Playing around on this website- http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm
    I can get 1570 for 75 minutes of exercise at your weight only if you're 40 and your average heartrate is 265 (without knowing Vo2max). That's obviously impossible, but it would take that impossible level of exertion to get such a high burn.

    More likely, if your HR is 160 average, which is possible, you're burning around 700 in 75 minutes. But fill in your own variables and see what happens; this produces a result pretty similar to my HRM for steady-state cardio.
  • Lahneen
    Lahneen Posts: 9
    Even in my hardest work outs, according to my HRM, I have never burned more than 12-13 calories in a minute - and that is working so hard I couldn't possibly maintain that level for 75 minutes. The highest I've ever had for 60 minutes was 800 calories and I think that was pretty liberal despite it being an *kitten*-kicking workout. My average burn for 30 minutes working out HARD is 300 calories, 400 if I'm really pushing myself nonstop, even when I weighed what you weigh and more.

    I would never believe 1570 for 75 minutes. I'm not even sure that's possible, actually.

    Playing around on this website- http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm
    I can get 1570 for 75 minutes of exercise at your weight only if you're 40 and your average heartrate is 265 (without knowing Vo2max). That's obviously impossible, but it would take that impossible level of exertion to get such a high burn.

    More likely, if your HR is 160 average, which is possible, you're burning around 700 in 75 minutes. But fill in your own variables and see what happens; this produces a result pretty similar to my HRM for steady-state cardio.

    Thank you for the response. I have been so worried about the high figures I get at the gym and in comparison to other on MFP i was certain there must be inaccuracies. I am just baffled that it is almost a 50 percent deficit...
    I see from your profile that you aren't accepting anymore friends...It such a shame:( i hope i can still ask you all the loads of questions I want to...you transformation is so inspiring...I have only been on here for a week ut i am very very motivated and I want to be as toned as I saw you in your profile photo...
  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    Even in my hardest work outs, according to my HRM, I have never burned more than 12-13 calories in a minute - and that is working so hard I couldn't possibly maintain that level for 75 minutes. The highest I've ever had for 60 minutes was 800 calories and I think that was pretty liberal despite it being an *kitten*-kicking workout. My average burn for 30 minutes working out HARD is 300 calories, 400 if I'm really pushing myself nonstop, even when I weighed what you weigh and more.

    I would never believe 1570 for 75 minutes. I'm not even sure that's possible, actually.

    Playing around on this website- http://www.braydenwm.com/calburn.htm
    I can get 1570 for 75 minutes of exercise at your weight only if you're 40 and your average heartrate is 265 (without knowing Vo2max). That's obviously impossible, but it would take that impossible level of exertion to get such a high burn.

    More likely, if your HR is 160 average, which is possible, you're burning around 700 in 75 minutes. But fill in your own variables and see what happens; this produces a result pretty similar to my HRM for steady-state cardio.

    Thank you for the response. I have been so worried about the high figures I get at the gym and in comparison to other on MFP i was certain there must be inaccuracies. I am just baffled that it is almost a 50 percent deficit...
    I see from your profile that you aren't accepting anymore friends...It such a shame:( i hope i can still ask you all the loads of questions I want to...you transformation is so inspiring...I have only been on here for a week ut i am very very motivated and I want to be as toned as I saw you in your profile photo...

    I will accept your request :)