Effective Plan?

Thinking about getting back into calorie counting but not for the calories. I am looking to keep track of carb/protein/fat intake and make sure my body is getting exactly what it needs. Good or bad idea? Thinking of doing some cutting first before bulking. I would like to get smaller ( losing some inches on the thighs and stomach ) before adding more muscle mass. Also, I plan to focus on running this summer as I really want to get back into cross country which starts back up in September. Goal is to run 20-40 minutes on the days that I am not biking, which should be every other day. I will also be eating as clean as possible and will be tossing in some weight lifting sessions whenever possible. If I'm allow to bike to the gym which is out on our high way then I'll make a habit of that and knock cardio out of the field right before weight lifting. Does this sound like an effective plan?


  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    I think that since you are a minor, you should just not worry about your diet and work on training as you have outlined. Eat when you're hungry; aim for lean protein, fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, dairy. Drink water. Bike 3 days; run 3 days... get some supervised lifting at your local gym if you can.

    Oh and I hope that's not you in your profile pic, at 17, posting half-naked photos of yourself on the internet.