
I'm sure there are some posts on here about this but I was wondering if it was worth the price and what weight does everybody recommend? Right now i'm 195-200 lbs 29 yo and 5'5. I'm looking for something fun that I can do at home with my daughter around, she can use her hula hoop and I can do mine. :) Thank you in advance!


  • juliemval
    juliemval Posts: 34 Member
  • SeaStar
    SeaStar Posts: 113
    I've been hooping for three years now and it's my biggest passion (along with painting). I definitely recommend getting into it, though I've never done any hoopnotica stuff. Everything I've learned is from youtube videos. The best suggestion for a beginner hoop is to measure from the floor to your belly button, whatever that measurement is should be the starting diameter for your hoop.
  • juliemval
    juliemval Posts: 34 Member
    Thank you SeaStar, your videos are amazing! I got my hoop in the mail today plus a pair of new tennis shoes, so I'm hoping to give it a shot in the morning! I would tonight, but I have a final to finish up!