Trying again..hi and need some friends!

Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member
I posted a message when I joined the other day, but I didn't hear from anyone. I'm from Wisconsin, in my 30s, 2 lovely kiddos and a hubby. I have lost over 100 lbs, but 25 crept back on. As my doctor figures out why (I am already on thyroid meds and the level seems ok) she decided for me to keep a diary to see my eating habits. I reassured her I try SO hard to eat healthy. Over 3 days I'm realizing I'm eating TOO strictly and it told me that I need to increase my caloric intake or it may lead to a slow metabolism and weight gain. Well lookie there! Who knew? So I'm working each day to not limit myself SO much, but not swing the other way where I'm working against myself by eating TOO much.

I also walk 4-6 miles a day after work (it's tough!), as well as do a routine of squats and legs lifts. I'd love to reach the weight I've had my eyes set on for so long.

Anyone else needing a motivator and can do some motivating...please add me and tell my about yourself!



  • ellen_kay
    ellen_kay Posts: 304 Member
    motivators and cheerleaders are always welcomed. I will add you. BTW I love your pic.
  • Tamm04
    Tamm04 Posts: 182 Member

    I did a quick Google search for 'heart' and this came up as an image. I snagged it and decided to use it.