Intermittent Fasting Success?


I'm considering trying intermittent fasting (like an 18 hour fast, 6 hour feeding window). What are the advantages of it? Does it actually help to increase fat loss and weight loss in general? If you've tried it, do you feel like it helped you with your loss? Or is it just another one of those fad sort of diets that doesn't really do anything? I want to give my eating patterns some structure as right now I'm kind of all over the place, and I'd also like to lose as much weight as I can (within reason of course, I'm not expecting to lose like 20 pounds) by mid-July. Thank you!


  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I do 16:8 and it's been about 2 years now. There's been periods when I haven't adhered to it as strictly, but overall I'm a huge fan of the protocol!
    I also throw in a 24-hr fast now and then.

    I find I prefer eating larger meals, so it's nice to have a big lunch and dinner than 3 smaller meals further apart.

    If you do give it a try, give it a couple weeks to get adjusted. There's a hormone called gherlin that affects when you feel hungry, and this needs to get reset a bit from the times you're used to eating.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Did you start losing faster when you started it?
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    I do it more for the benefits to insulin sensitivity, nutrient partitioning, cell repair, etc.

    Also it's super convenient in terms of food preparation.
  • PcShed
    PcShed Posts: 84 Member
    Hi I am on my second week of IF and I have done a lot of research before starting. Check my blog and you see the results for the first week. If you are serious about losing body then IF is a great protocol to use. Most people already fast without knowing (while sleeping) All you doing is extending that fast and have a structured meals times. The key is to do your training either weight training or cardio, 1 hour before your first meal after the fast. This is where you body has no choice but to use fats for energy, either intake or existing fats. Your body become more sensitive to nutrition intake. For this to happen you need to really drop the carb intake to 50g or less per day and increase your protein and good fat intake.
    Now depending on the training that you do. You can gain weigh (lean mass) and lose body fat. I am currently of 18.5 hour fast with 5.5 hour eating window. I am building up to 20 hour fast with 4 hour eating window for week 3.
    And before you ask your body will not be using existing muscle for energy. Your body can go 48 hours without any food before this actually happens.
    After the 5 day you will feel more alert and focus and hunger does not enter your mind (belief me, I have I huge appetite and was suprised about not having food cravings). Just make sure you drink plenty of water, green tea, coffee and bcaa.
    Hope this helps and good luck on your journey into IF.
  • svgarcia
    svgarcia Posts: 592 Member
    What's Bcaa??
  • rosem1020
    rosem1020 Posts: 41 Member
    bump because I am considering trying it and am in the process of researching how much to eat, when to eat, etc so if anyone has any good links with how to follow the plan, it would be great
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    BCAA is branched chain amino acids ... some research suggests that they are good to take when training fasted. Lots of people train fasted without them though, so the choice is yours.

    check Andy Morgan's site it's pretty step-by-step:
  • owlets1401
    owlets1401 Posts: 12
    Martin from Lean gains is really good at explaining everything on his blog.
    Most of it is backed up with research on him and his clients.
  • Isakizza
    Isakizza Posts: 754 Member
    When doing IF, do you still eat the same amount of calories per day??
    Such as keeping to my TDEE-20%.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Hey, I'm on my second week of IF 8:16 and loving it. Hardly miss breakfast and I get to eat big meals. You might want to consider trying a longer feeding window to begin with like 8 hours. Some females even respond better to a 10 hour feeding window.

    I found Precise Nutrition's free ebook really helpful when I was doing some research
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I've had great success with IF, but I did alternate day intermittent fasting and not an eating window. Lost 40ish pounds doing it and hit goal in March. Then I switched to Dr. Michael Mosley's 5:2 IF plan for maintenance. Now I do one IF day a week, because of the health benefits.
  • auteurfille22
    auteurfille22 Posts: 251 Member
    Hi I am on my second week of IF and I have done a lot of research before starting. Check my blog and you see the results for the first week. If you are serious about losing body then IF is a great protocol to use. Most people already fast without knowing (while sleeping) All you doing is extending that fast and have a structured meals times. The key is to do your training either weight training or cardio, 1 hour before your first meal after the fast. This is where you body has no choice but to use fats for energy, either intake or existing fats. Your body become more sensitive to nutrition intake. For this to happen you need to really drop the carb intake to 50g or less per day and increase your protein and good fat intake.
    Now depending on the training that you do. You can gain weigh (lean mass) and lose body fat. I am currently of 18.5 hour fast with 5.5 hour eating window. I am building up to 20 hour fast with 4 hour eating window for week 3.
    And before you ask your body will not be using existing muscle for energy. Your body can go 48 hours without any food before this actually happens.
    After the 5 day you will feel more alert and focus and hunger does not enter your mind (belief me, I have I huge appetite and was suprised about not having food cravings). Just make sure you drink plenty of water, green tea, coffee and bcaa.
    Hope this helps and good luck on your journey into IF.

    Thank you! That was really helpful. If I fasted from 10 pm to 4 pm and did cardio in the morning around 5:30 - 6:30 and did weight training from around 2:30 to 3:30 would that work? And is it okay to have green tea with truvia in it? Oh, and a really stupid question - how do I get to your blog? I can get to your profile but how do I get to your blog from there?
  • StaticEntropy
    StaticEntropy Posts: 224 Member
    When doing IF, do you still eat the same amount of calories per day??
    Such as keeping to my TDEE-20%.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods

    Depends on the type of IF you are doing and how you want to handle your deficit. If you are doing ADF or 5:2, you generally eat at maintenance for five days and create your weekly deficit with your two fasting days. This usually works out to be a weekly deficit of TDEE-30%. You can adjust this by eating slightly over maintenance on a couple of days if your goal is TDEE-20%. It really is up to you, but I wouldn't create too large of a weekly deficit by eating under maintenance for five days and then adding two fasting days on top of that. This is a mistake that will lead to miserable results.

    If your IF method resembles leangains or the warrior diet, it becomes more of a daily approach. In the case of leangains, if your goal is TDEE-20%, you will be eating this amount within an 8 hour feeding window pretty much every day. You can add some wrinkles into this approach by including carb/calorie cycling, but this is a little more complicated, and can overwhelm beginners. This is more for getting into really low body fat percentages.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    That .org site linked above is NOT Berkhan's site!! It's some copycat site with a questionable affiliate link.

    The legit site is

    Please edit your post, it could spread bad info.
  • marhattap
    marhattap Posts: 149 Member
    I've done a 24 hour, once every few weeks, fast. I do this to help my digestive system repair itself. I try to do it every week, but that takes a little more self restraint. Here is a good article from NPR about the health benefits of 24 hour fasting:
  • SarahSmilesCA
    SarahSmilesCA Posts: 261 Member
    I do 16:8 and it's been about 2 years now. There's been periods when I haven't adhered to it as strictly, but overall I'm a huge fan of the protocol!
    I also throw in a 24-hr fast now and then.

    I find I prefer eating larger meals, so it's nice to have a big lunch and dinner than 3 smaller meals further apart.

    If you do give it a try, give it a couple weeks to get adjusted. There's a hormone called gherlin that affects when you feel hungry, and this needs to get reset a bit from the times you're used to eating.

    Yep this!

    I love IF-16/8 Been on it almost 5 months, lost about 40 lbs, but I have not weighed in this month yet, so it might be a little more at this point.

    I stop eating from 9 pm to noonish the next day. I work out during the fasted time period. All I can say is it works. It controls blood sugar spikes. It reduces the amount of time you have to eat and therefore how many calories you consume. I find it VERY hard to eat over 1800 calories in 8 hrs...seriously hard, especially when I balance my macros. I have little hunger at night even when I stay up late like tonight.

    There are so many websites out there to explain it all. I like Leangains the best, but many others out there explain the science well. All I know is it works for me.
  • Snow3y
    Snow3y Posts: 1,412 Member
    I hate to barer of bad news, but it's going to suck (HARD) for some when they start eating normally again after IF.. I tried it for about a month or more, didn't work amazingly, but the worst past was after stopping the fasting, I gained back what I had lost - and more.. It was horrible.

    Not everyone will be the same, but if you're like me.. daaaamn it sucks
  • WhaddoWino
    WhaddoWino Posts: 146 Member
    Great thread! I tried a 24-hour fast for the first time this past week-- stopped eating at 6.30 pm Sunday evening and didn't eat again until Monday dinner. I didn't find it too terribly difficult but discovered I needed to really remind myself to drink water which is usually not an issue for me. I work out six days a week and thought it best to fast on my rest day.

    Can a once per week fast assist with weight loss too or should I just expect maintenance with it? For those who are doing this regularly, whether 6:1 or 5:2, are you monitoring your calories on the non-fasting days or zenning through?

  • MinimalistShoeAddict
    MinimalistShoeAddict Posts: 1,946 Member
    You also may want to check out the MFP IF group:
  • gingameister
    gingameister Posts: 125 Member
    I did the 5:2 for 3 months. On my fasting days, I would eat my 600 calories in one meal. On the other days, I just calorie counted. I lost 28lbs in 3 months. That got me down to my goal weight and now I'm in maintenance I don't do any IF anymore, I just calorie count. I haven't given up any kinds of food, I just factor it into my calorie counting.I wish I had done it years ago. The fasting days were quite hard to start with but they soon got much, much easier!

    Good luck! 8-D