keep gaining

SO I have been doing this diet for the last 5 months....all was going well until about last week when I saw that I was putting on about 0.2 lbs every day....I know I shouldn't weigh myself everyday but I just can't stop....questions is I have been eating no more than I am allowed, increased exercise and have been drinking water.....I know its probably water retention and muscle gain but how long does this last for....its not even that I am the saw weight...I keep gaining....anyone else had this problem? has the weight eventually dropped off again and if so how long did you have to wait?



  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    I wouldn't worry about it. Varience throughout the week is normal. Just look at your number after 7 days. Also, if you are working out more(or have changed your workout) you may have 'confused' your muscles which causes them to retain water.
    It's hard to tell really without seeing your diary.
  • kimberly428
    kimberly428 Posts: 237
    Have you made it to your weekly weigh in, if so what was it? Its never good to focus on the daily fluctuation...
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Without looking at your food diary or exercise, I can't say for sure. You might actually need to eat more calories. If you are burning, say, 600 calories in a workout but only taking in about 1,000 calories a day, that is not enough.

    Also, it depends on the foods that you eat. If you eat things that have a lot of sodium (salt), that will help your body retain muscle. Even things like canned soups have a lot of salt in them. So you could look at that.

    If none of this helps, put away the scale and bust out the measuring tape. Due to daily fluctuations and your muscle/fat ratio, a tape measure will be a MUCH better indicator of your progress. I know we are all conditioned to be slaves to the scale...but the scale is a liar. :) Good luck!
  • mirgss
    mirgss Posts: 275 Member
    Ok, I took a look at your food diary. It looks like most days you are following the guidelines. Try mixing up your workouts. If you run, try bike riding. If you swim, try kickboxing. Good luck to you - you've made a lot of progress so far and you look great!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    You might want to consider keeping track of your progress with a tape measure and a body fat percentage tester. I actually wound up stopping my weight loss short of my weight goal because I reached my goal size. I am the same size I was when I weighed 10 pounds less but I have muscle now which I never did before.
  • TropicalKitty
    TropicalKitty Posts: 2,298 Member
    Don't forget you've been super stressed recently with school stuff. All that extra stress can really mess with your body.

    You may need to do a day or two of increased eating, not unhealthy eating, but something extra, I've seen some people say it's helped them. But I'm really placing my bet on the stress.

    Also, I'd back off of the frequent weighing. Especially right now if you aren't happy with what you are seeing, it may make you feel worse and lead to worse things. Keep eating healthfully and exercising, you've been doing great!
  • vicidoesstuff
    vicidoesstuff Posts: 214 Member
    Don't forget you've been super stressed recently with school stuff. All that extra stress can really mess with your body.

    You may need to do a day or two of increased eating, not unhealthy eating, but something extra, I've seen some people say it's helped them. But I'm really placing my bet on the stress.

    Also, I'd back off of the frequent weighing. Especially right now if you aren't happy with what you are seeing, it may make you feel worse and lead to worse things. Keep eating healthfully and exercising, you've been doing great!

    ^^ Best advice!!

    Stress is a maaajor influence!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Stupid question maybe... are you pregnant?
  • kajaknowers
    kajaknowers Posts: 113 Member
    Stupid question maybe... are you pregnant?

    I haven't had sex in months so sure as hell aint lol
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    Stupid question maybe... are you pregnant?

    I haven't had sex in months so sure as hell aint lol
    Lol, ok. Just a thought.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    A couple of things -- plateaus are a pretty normal part of the process. If this just started last week, be prepared for another couple weeks of leveling off.

    - you may want to change up your exercise routine. Our bodies become more efficient at exercise the more we do it so we're burning fewer cals with the same exercise unless we really ramp up the intensity.

    -I looked at your food diary for the last week or so and see you're set at 1200 base cals. Your body may need more than this -- mine generally does. I've been increasing my calories since January and I'm up to 1300 NET calories most days now. Consider changing your goal from 2 pounds a week to 1 pound a week, eat those cals, and see what happens after a few weeks.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i would have to agree with everyone definitely should not be weighing every day....i know it is hard when you have a mindset to see a certain number but it ends up being worse for you than just waiting....stress and exercise can both make you retain fluid (especially in your muscles)....let it go, hide the scale until your weigh in day(have someone else do it if you dont trust yourself) and keep up the hard will all wash out in the end...maybe not this week but then definitely next wont get better if you slip backwards though and you are more likely to do that if you are stressing about .2lbs.....
    good luck and keep your eye on the prize...
  • balance9
    balance9 Posts: 160
    ummm...I'll be the bad guy and suggest that weighing every day not as bad as most people might think. The scale doesn't lie, you just need to learn what it is telling you. If you KNOW you have been staying within 1200-1500 net calories a day, then you KNOW it isn't fat that you gained in a day. What the scale may be telling you is you didn't drink enough water (body will hang on to what you've got to dilute sodium in blood) you ate too much processed food (again - sodium/water balance), monthly hormonal changes (you'll get used to knowing this over time if you're weighing in daily), not enough fiber or lots of fiber and/or protein and not enough water (constipation).

    Again, it's not telling you that you have gained fat, but it is telling you something...If you just weigh yourself once a week, you may not know that the 2 pounds is NOT fat...but in a day, you know it's not.

    If you weigh yourself at the same time, generally first thing in the morning AFTER you have gone to the bathroom, you will get an accurate picture. Then listen to what the scale IS telling you...drink more water, eat less processed food, eat more fiber and, if it's your hormones rejoice that they're still working:-)