Necessary dietary changes during TOM? ...sorry guys



  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    Maybe you could try deep breathing exercises to increase oxygen flow to your brain and blood, a quick 5 minutes of walking in place or jumping jacks (since you're at work, people might look at you funny, but hey if it works), or a shot of espresso as a last resort! Hang in there!

    My co-workers think I'm nuts anyway. Every day, around 2:00, my friend (who works an hour away) and I have a One Minute Dance Party. We stop working for one minute and dance to whatever is on the ipod or streaming online....or whatever is in my head! LOL It sounds so stupid, but it's a little jolt of energy and sure to make me smile. I think it kind of helps my co-workers too. It gives them something to smile or laugh about...and who couldn't use more of those things!?!? :laugh:

    I think everybody should join us!!!

    LOL!!! That's awesome!!!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member

    Like you, I get migraines from artificial sugars, so I am a major label reader! (I also learned all the chemical names of artificial sugars, because you would be AMAZED how they try to trick us!

    Anyways, it's just about that TOM for me, too, I just started SERIOUSLY dieting and exercising and I found these:

    The bars are generally 120-160 cals each and NO artificial sugars. I let myself have ONE and be done with it. I got the brownie sandwiches and they are very satisfying!

    Hope this helps!

  • Crysta1976
    Crysta1976 Posts: 184 Member

    Like you, I get migraines from artificial sugars, so I am a major label reader! (I also learned all the chemical names of artificial sugars, because you would be AMAZED how they try to trick us!

    Anyways, it's just about that TOM for me, too, I just started SERIOUSLY dieting and exercising and I found these:

    The bars are generally 120-160 cals each and NO artificial sugars. I let myself have ONE and be done with it. I got the brownie sandwiches and they are very satisfying!

    Hope this helps!


    Oh man, those sound so good!!! Especially the cookies or brownie sandwiches!! Unfortunately they are not gluten-free. Some of the ice creams are though. =) Also...becareful of the no sugar added has splenda. I know it is made from sugar, but it is altered with the same chemicals as the artificial stuff.... yuck.

    Thanks for sharing!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I know I'm anemic during that time so I usually get a small steak somewhere. It really does help. I don't eat a lot of red meat but at that time I just need it.
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    Try a small fillet steak, like 4oz for the energy drain with some steamed spinach.

    Also, Skinny Cow makes individual serving cups that you can buy at CVS in the freezer. That's a great way to have your ice cream and not loose control.
  • mrsw510
    mrsw510 Posts: 169
    What works for me is to not keep the sweets in the house. If they are near, there is no preventiing them from going in my mouth, however when a craving hits if there is nothing in the house I am almost always much to lazy to go to the store and get it.