Elliptical Vs. Running?

O.K., so since I have started exercising, my average on the elliptical is about 3 miles in 30 minutes. How will this compare to the 5K I want to run in a couple of months? I really don't want to walk it; I have friends that will be running and I don't want to be left behind. Do you think it's do-able with my time on the elliptical, or is there anything I could do to make the transition easier? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  • ValerieMomof2
    ValerieMomof2 Posts: 530 Member
    You can't compare the 2. You really need to just get out there and run. Is there any reason why you are training for a running event on the elliptical? Not trying to be a smart *kitten* and I am sure that's how it sounds, but I truly am curious?
  • kristy6ward
    kristy6ward Posts: 332 Member
    The elliptical and running are two entirely different beasts. I could go forever on an elliptical but could barely run for 2 minutes straight. If you want to be able to run for any distance, you have to train by actually running. Start with a c25k program. And take this to heart when you are just starting out with your intervals: if you can run any slower, you are running TOO FAST. In the beginning it's all about duration, not speed. You can increase speed, once you are able to maintain for a certain distance. And get your self fitted for some good shoes. Good shoes does not always equal cute shoes.
  • WiRosie
    WiRosie Posts: 2
    I have back and feet issues, so I have to go elliptical rather than running for any great distance. I do walk though. I got out and did a couple miles actually a few days ago. Felt good. So, if you have impact issues like I do, the elliptical is the way to go. I also use a Schwinn Airdyne exercise bike. It mixes resistance with cardio...and again, low impact.
  • mgreenham
    mgreenham Posts: 40 Member
    Had the same question for my Crossfit coach. "Why can I do 90min and bust my tail on an elliptical, and be GASPING for air on a 400m run?"

    It was explained that the range of motion on an elliptical is fixed. You ONLY move the stroke/incline and per-adjusted resistance of the machine. When you run, your body has to use muscles that the elliptical doesn't touch, not to mention you have a limitless range of motion/inclines etc. Even the act of turning a corner uses muscles the elliptical doesn't use.

    So to get a basic heart rate UP workout the elliptical is fine. Training to do ANY TYPE OF RUN has to be done with "feet on the street," no other way around it.

    Made sense to me as soon as he said it