New and looking for friends!

Hello, I'm Victoria and I am a 22 year old college student! I have been struggling with my weight for about six years now; steadily getting larger. I have a Thyroid problem; however, I am trying to not use that as an excuse anymore. I have tried many different diets and have done my fair share of working out; unfortunately, after a weeks--I stop. I simply lose my motivation. I am hoping that this is going to stop now. I have gotten a new gym membership and have been going every day with the help of my cousin! I find it difficult to eat healthy simply because I am always so busy; it's easier for me to make a quick stop at the drive way than going home and cooking for myself. As stated, I am a college student; full time and in addition, I also work at the college as an English tutor. As you can imagine, my days are jammed packed. My goal is to lose 100 lbs. I know this is going to be a long and difficult journey; however, I truly believe that I can do this!

Feel free to add me, I need all the help and motivation I can get!


  • gingersnaps828
    WelcomeI am new (returning) and also have a thyroid problem. Feel free to add me!
