avrobin03 Posts: 135 Member
I have found a lot of friends on MFP and love all of them, however I'm looking for some peeps that are trying to achieve similiar goals. I have about 100 pounds to lose, I'm currently trying to be more active in my everyday lifestyle while working towards healthy eating habits.. I'm looking for some motivating positive friends to enjoy this healthy journey.... soooo feel free to add me :)


  • gingersnaps828
    I'm a new (returning) member. I have a problem with motiviation and finding healthy foods as I'm a picky eater, don't like veggies chicken/turkey or fish, and hate cooking. I have been sedentary for a long time and have to slowly get exercise back into my life. I like to do zumba (at home) and walk, and call me corny, but I also enjoy dancing to our Wii Just Dance games. They're fun and burn alot of calories. :) I have about 40-60 pounds to lose, depending on what my final goal is/are once I start losing weight and seeing results. I also have some medical conditions which don't help with my weight loss goals.

    Since I am new I am looking to build up a good group of supportive friends that we can help and motivate eachother, give advice, and share food and recipe ideas.

    Feel free to add me!
