HELP! Pre-diabetic and not losing

I need help/advice for my sister. She is 48, pre-diabetic (PCOS)and working really hard to lose weight. She measures food meticulously, keeps a food diary staying under 1400 cal mostly, exercises 3-5x a week and fights just to maintain her weight (about 60 lbs. over). She has seen Dr.s and all they recommend is "diet and exercise" or a diet pill. Her GYN said this is just the way it goes for pre-diabetes.
So, is there anyone out there dealing with these problems? What can she do to help her lose weight and maybe stave off the diabetes? How can I be an encouragement to her? She is SO discouraged!!!


  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    If she is honestly and truly working out 3-5 times a week, actually sweating in the gym and not spending most of her time talking, and weighing each ounce of food hitting her goals set by her doctors and nutritionists...

    Then regardless of the PCOS and insulin resistance, she should be losing weight.

    Tons of women with PCOS and pre-diabetes lose weight. Yes, it's harder for them, but it's nowhere close to impossible. Not to call BS, but.... There might be some inconsistencies in her calorie count. This just simply isn't possible.

    If she's fighting and working out in the gym just to maintain her weight, then she's eating too much. PCOS or not, you can't gain weight if you aren't eating enough.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    2 of her workouts this week were spending 2+ hours a day push mowing a hillside cemetery... no joke. And I questioned her calorie counting and she explained it to me.... she is WAY more diligent than I and adds 100-200 at the end of most days "just in case". If this were anyone but someone I KNOW is being honest, I would say the same thing. That is what has me puzzled. She did decide to work on strength training. She said "If I can't weigh less, then I can make what I do weigh take up less room" So she has added a crunch challenge and a squat challenge beginning May 1.

    I have never seen anyone work so hard and see NO results!!!
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    Then there is something else going on. Have they checked her for any other hormonal issues?

    Look for a place that has a Bod Pod, they are usually found in Universities. If run of the mill doctors can't get a handle on it, then she should take a closer look =)
  • tjl2329
    tjl2329 Posts: 169 Member
    Okay so this is my experience. I am diabetic. I have lost 40 lbs since Nov/ Dec. I went to see a dieticisn. She recommended I eat 45 carve each meal and 30 per snack. Really hard at first but ok. Been really busy and losing slower. I have upper my carve and lowered my exercise. My daughter has cancer and ive been preoccupied with her. I am going to watch my carve again and I'm sure ill start to lose again. Plus my sugar and blood pressures down. I feel so much better. My doctor says slow and easy. Worth a try. I am also 44. I guess we all ooze differently.
  • healthyKYgirl
    healthyKYgirl Posts: 272 Member
    Is she eating low carb or lower carb as well and not just calories counting? Has she tried HIIT and weight training in addition to steady state cardio? HIIT and weight training have been shown to be very beneficial for diabetics, so I would imagine it might work for pre-diabetics.
  • KristiLeighS
    KristiLeighS Posts: 112
    there could be a few things going on.She may be over thinking the calorie counting in other words, not eating enough and she also may be eating less calories but crappy food. there is definitely something going on here because i have those issues as well and so does my sister and I know that when I do what i am supposed to i lose weight and quite quickly and so does my sister. it could be that she is not eating enough calories to compensate for all of the physical activity. your body can't burn what it doesn't have. i would suggest she get on to MFP or something like it so she can better understand what is going on.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    i know how she feels i have also insulin resistend pcos before i got my meds i ate 1200-1500 cals a day work out 6 hours a week and only dropped like 2 lbs in over a month. I am taking metformin now witch makes it a little easier to lose weight. Last week i didnt lose a pound even tho i worked out 6 times that week burning over 4000 cals and staying on track with my calories even under what mfp sugjests. It is hard with PCOS and she should see her doctor about metformin it reduces the glucose production witch help since we have to high glucose levels and pick up some weights, weight training works good with pcos since we usually also have high testosterone and build muscles fast. And tell her to try HIIT it really works much better then steady cardio.
    Good luck to her and she needs to remember she is not alone pcos is more common then most ppl think

    *edit* also my doctor put me on a low carb high protein diet since carbs = glucose
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Ok, what is HIIT?
    It sounds like the strength training may be key to get her body working again. There is the possibility that she is eating more carbs than she realizes, but maybe not.... also I strongly suspect that she is eating too few cals. but I do not think I will EVER convince her to up them, since she is struggling to even maintain at this point.
    And yes, she does have other hormone issues, you ALWAYS have a lot of hormone issues with PCOS.

  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    ...this is just the way it goes for pre-diabetes.
    NO NO NO!! It's not "just the way it goes" for ANYONE!! There is another way.
    Read "Eat To Live" or "The End of Diabetes" by Dr. Joel Fuhrman. It IS the answer.
    I also was pre-diabetic by the time I was 55-- and 60 lbs overweight, along with high blood pressure, joint pain, bad headaches and other annoying maladies that I thought were part of getting older.
    I've been following the "Eat To Live" plan since July 2012 and I'm VERY happy to report my fasting glucose is 70-73 now and my blood pressure is down around 110/70 (without medication !! --dropped that in Aug 2012). My joint pain is much less, less often. My headaches are gone. My chronic facial rash has disappeared. I'm a 100% convert.
    Read either book. It can change her life.
  • mamosh81
    mamosh81 Posts: 409 Member
    Ok, what is HIIT?
    It sounds like the strength training may be key to get her body working again. There is the possibility that she is eating more carbs than she realizes, but maybe not.... also I strongly suspect that she is eating too few cals. but I do not think I will EVER convince her to up them, since she is struggling to even maintain at this point.
    And yes, she does have other hormone issues, you ALWAYS have a lot of hormone issues with PCOS.


    HIIT = high intensity interval training =)

    one of many HIIT benefits is
    • Improved Insulin Sensitivity – Your muscles more readily suck in glucose, instead of the glucose going to your fat stores

    yeah the hormons are almost all out of wack with pcos
  • pluckabee
    pluckabee Posts: 346 Member
    She's going to want to try low carb and increase strength training and possibly reduce cardio depending on how much she is doing.

    I've not been diagnosed properly (doctors just didn't care enough) but at my last check my doctor said I probably have PCOS and was later found to have high fasting blood sugar.

    I do strength training at least 3 times a week, the only cardio I really do are walking and dancing and I keep my carbs under 100g a day.

    Start by eating no more than 150g of carbs a day then keep lowering it until she gets results, everyone is different but under 150g is a good place to start.
  • MrsWells1983
    MrsWells1983 Posts: 160
    I also have PCOS and Insulin Resistance. I saw a dietitian when I was trying to conceive our 3rd baby (which took 2 years and 3 months). She told me I needed to count carbs instead of calories and put me on a modified diabetics diet. I needed to eat no more and no less than 45g of carbs per meal and no more and no less than 30g carbs per snack. It worked, I managed to lose 5kg on this method AND get pregnant in the process. I also was made eat no more than 3-4hrs between meals/snacks, this is to help my sugar levels stay stable during the day rather than dipping and spiking, she also recommended eating protein at every meal/snack too. If your sister is skipping meals etc and not eating the right amount of carbs to keep those sugar levels stable then it's quite likely this is what is causing her to maintain that weight.

    I'm slightly under where I was when I got pregnant weight wise and am currently counting calories. If I find that this isn't working for me, I'll go back to counting carbs (and calories). So far so good though.

    EDIT: the carbs need to be made up of Low-GI carbs, rather than those that are highly processed etc.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    WOW!!! So much great advice! I am feeling VERY encouraged, and I hope she will too!!!! Thanks everyone!!!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    I need help/advice for my sister. She is 48, pre-diabetic (PCOS)and working really hard to lose weight. She measures food meticulously, keeps a food diary staying under 1400 cal mostly, exercises 3-5x a week and fights just to maintain her weight (about 60 lbs. over). She has seen Dr.s and all they recommend is "diet and exercise" or a diet pill. Her GYN said this is just the way it goes for pre-diabetes.
    So, is there anyone out there dealing with these problems? What can she do to help her lose weight and maybe stave off the diabetes? How can I be an encouragement to her? She is SO discouraged!!!

    I would try to get her in the water. Also, look into apple cider vinegar drinks. They have helped me a lot. Patricia Bragg has books on ACV and one called Water, the shocking truth.

    I know, some people will razz me for this, but I will say this: I have been drinking distilled water for two months. I ran out two days ago. I drank filtered water from the refrigerator. It made a difference to me. I am back to drinking distilled water, which is made through water being boiled, then the steam is condensed back into plain water with no additives. I hold less water in my tissues. I retain less.

    Good luck to your sister and to you.

  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i disagree that s not just how it goes for pre diabetes......
    cu z that pre teen girl on biggest loser was pre diabetes and she lost easy
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Does she take anything like metformin? Has she had her thyroid check, and not jus TSH but T4 and T3 too. A lot of PCOS sufferers also have thyroid issues.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Does she take anything like metformin? Has she had her thyroid check, and not jus TSH but T4 and T3 too. A lot of PCOS sufferers also have thyroid issues.
    She is not on metformin as of yet... and she just had a thyroid check when she has been working at this solid since Jan. 1 and is getting nowhere. I think she needs to see an endocrinologist.
  • rajendra82
    rajendra82 Posts: 20
    I saw a dietitian when I was trying to conceive our 3rd baby (which took 2 years and 3 months).

    Your dietitian must really love you, to let you conceive 3 children with her, and keep trying on the third one for over 2 years. Can I have her number?
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Just an update.... my sister is not dealing with insulin resistance, her pancreas over produces insulin. From what her Dr. said, that is a whole different ballgame as far as weight loss is concerned. She has started to incorporate weights and fewer carbs with an emphasis on complex carbs. She is seeing a few very small losses but more importantly, she has regained her hope!!! Thanks to all who helped me help her!!!