I need some snack ideas!!

LosingLori Posts: 57
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I am officially on summer vacation!!! Although I am very excited to be home with my kids for almost three months this year, I am a little nervous about staying on track (especially since the last few weeks of school weren't exactly smooth sailing for the diet)! I would appreciate some filling, yummy, nutritious and low calorie snack ideas. I know that while I am home all day this summer, my trips to the kitchen cupboards and refrigerator will be much more common....so I need to fill them with items that won't ruin the hard work from this spring.

Thanks in advance!

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  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I should change my name to:

    Sliced Apples and melted Peanut Butter. :tongue:


    Low fat cottage cheese and all manner of veggie spears

    Grilled chicken (leftover) in a nice green salad

    Jones 97% fat free Canadian Bacon (as a protein) with veggies
  • jaylu
    jaylu Posts: 158
    for me it all about the sugar free jelly! gives you something to much on, tastes fruity and juicy and is very low in calories, no fat, no sugar. fills a hole when you think you need to eat - add a little fat free yogurt on top and your good to go for a tasty treat.
    FITKIST Posts: 21 Member
    Low Calorie Snacks are easy to find these days:

    Large banana - 95 calories
    EAS Carb Control Drinks - 110 calories (17g of protein!!)
    Yogurts - 60 calories
    Lettuce Wrap with Turkey - 85 calories
    Some Sushi pieces are low calorie too

    Chocolate Chip Granola Bars - 90 calories
    Baked Cheetos - 100 calorie packs
    (Basically every junk food immaginable is available in a 100 calorie pack now)

    PS. If you want to get fancy - try 100-Calorie Snack Cookbook (Paperback)
    by: Sally Sampson. It has some awesome recipes in there and they are more wolesome then the pre-packaged ones!!

    Good Luck Snacking...
  • baggins706
    baggins706 Posts: 310
    1.100 Calorie Snacks- Popcorn, Chips, Cookies,Crackers and Nuts
    2. Fiber One Bars
    3. Light string cheese, deli meat, a pickle slice, mustard & cheese roll up
    4. Sabra Hummus Grab to GO
    5. Sabra Hummus with Cracked Pepper & Olive Oil Triscuits
    6. Cracked Pepper & Olive Oil Trisicuits and 1 Hard Boiled Egg
    7. GREEK Yogurt over Regular Yogurt (Greek is higher in protein, less in sugar and TASTES BETTER it's CREAMY)
    9. Pretzles
    10. Lays LITE Potato Chips (75 calories for 20 chips)
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I'm a big snacker too so I've tried to make sure I have some healthy (mostly), filling and/or low cal snacks available, especially ones that will calm cravings for salty or sweet unhealthy snacks.

    some of my favorites are:

    Fiber One Chocolate and Oat bars (if I'm craving a candy bar or dessert) 140 cals

    Clif mini peanut butter bars 100 cals.

    A piece of fruit and a string cheese or single serving of cheese

    Yogurt (fiber one makes some that are only 50 cals, I like the fiber one line of products to help me make sure I get all my fiber in)

    1 oz. of almonds or pistachios 160-170 cals

    Sugar Free Popcicles (15 cals each) or Sugar Free Fudgecicles (40 cals ea.)

    Del Monte Fruit Chiller Freeze and Eat tubes (great replacement for popcicles, a serving of fruit and only 55 cals., found with the canned fruit at the grocery store. They also come in little cups like the fruit cups but it's a larger server so more cals, and harder to eat, on the go especially)

    1 oz of beef jerky (watch the sodium but lots of protein, very low to no carbs and only 80 cals.)

    Yoplait Smoothie Mixes (in the freezer section, dump in blender & add 8 oz of skim milk & blend. 2 8oz Smoothies, 110 cals ea.)

    Hope some of these work for you, I too make lots of trips to the kitchen/fridge when I'm sitting around the house. I find that if I keep myself busy cleaning, organizing, playing outside with the kids, going for a walk something so I'm not getting bored and sitting down in front of the TV then I don't think about food so much and make fewer trips. I definitely eat when I'm bored though, I guess that's the first activity my brain thinks of is eating!
  • Suzieqgirl
    Suzieqgirl Posts: 39 Member
    Here are a few things my husband and I do for snacks when we are away from our house and when we go on road trips.

    We have found it helps when we keep lots of fresh fruits around to snack on. Here's some of our favorites. Apples, grapes, banana, pineapple, strawberries, cherries, watermelon and dry roasted or raw nuts (Be careful not to over eat the nuts. They are high in calories.)

    We also make up fresh tea mixed with sweet & low and keep in the refrigerator in a large gallon glass jar. When we know we are going somewhere, we can pour this tea into smaller glass jars to take with us. We try to keep reusable juice glass bottles so we use them over and over.

    When we leave the house to go out to shop, we always take bottle water with us. If we know we're going to be gone for a long time, we will take a small lunch cooler and take our tea, water and some fruit. So, if we get hungry or thirsty, We can reach for it instead of buying something we should not have.

    When we take long road trips across the country, we uses a plug in cooler to take all our favor foods, snacks and drinks with us. We cut up fresh fruit & vegetables and wrap cheddar cheese with turkey cold cuts. We put all of this into small containers and put it into the cooler. This has worked great for us!
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