Need Help!



  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    This is not a quick easy process. You are trying to be the best you that you can be for the rest of your LIFE, you can't fix it in a week. Maybe it takes a year, but what is one year of learning about your body when it will help you to treat it right for 50 more years? :)

    Also, you will want to look into lifting weights.
    Chances are, the "problems" you see when you look at your body can be better fixed with heavy lifting than with calorie restriction...

  • vstraughan
    vstraughan Posts: 163 Member
    First, when you are close to the weight your body should be at it does become a lot harder to lose weight

    You noted you'd been at this since March, which isn't very long. The majority of people take a while to start shifting the weight.

    Like 'minijag06' pointed out (& offered good advice) 6 weeks+ is fair to start seeing your weight and/or body change. Remember that you're re-educating your body. It takes it a while to learn what you're trying to tell it.

    I haven't seen a picture of you, nor walked a mile in your shoes so I don't know how your current weight makes you look or feel, but you are within your BMI range (not a bible but a fair guide). Are you being realistic about what you need to lose? I ask because .....

    ..... VERY respectfully and please don't take this in anyway other than supportive ... You're 25. When I was 22 I weighed in at 9st 3lb (129lb). I'm now 34 and targeting 150lb as I know for a fact I will never be 129lb again in my life (plus I was bony - yuk!) My lovely ... you get past your age and your body goes through another bout of change. Call it hormones, 'settling' ... whatever, I don't really know why. It happens. Some people are lucky, some people see a physical change. I know I did and so did a lot of my friends! :-/

    What's the reason you're looking to lose weight? It might be that you need to come at it from a different angle.