mental fatigue?

chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
hiya! i'm in the middle of doing couch to 5k (week 4) and i've noticed that during the routine i feel really tired and strained, like i can't go any further. when i try to concentrate on this feeling, i realize that i'm actually in pretty good shape - my legs feel strong, and i'm not totally panting and out of breath. also, when it's all over, i don't feel sore or floored at all. is it possible to feel tired only in your mind? is my brain tricking me? has anyone else experienced this, and if so, any pointers? happy hump day!


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I'm a firm believe that the c25k is just as much mental as it is physical! I CAN do the jogs with no problem usually. If I get inside my head that's when I start to crash. You gotta find a way to keep your mind off of what you are doing. I have to constantly find good music to keep my mind off what I'm doing. If I don't think about it before ya know it I've jogged 10 minutes with no problem. As soon as I think about it I start to struggle. Does this make sense? Try to find that place in your mind to keep you from thinking about it.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Are you using music? I'm also doing a 5k program. I have found that listening to music while training helps. I use PODRUNNER. Just google it and you can download it to your ipod or mp3 player FREE!
  • Chelsinicole63
    Chelsinicole63 Posts: 62 Member
    feel this way almost everyday. I havent found a way to make it stop, but i just force myself to workout and my thought process is that the sooner i do it, the less i have to worry about it later. Maybe you could listen to some music that motivates you while your working out. My ipod has become my best friend through all this haha
  • pmoore1225
    pmoore1225 Posts: 22
    yes ma'am.. I have that problem as well.. mostly on the treadmill.. Only at the beginning of my workout.. I keep thinking there is no way I can finish this workout... by the time I have been on the treadmill for 20 minutes.. Im all gun-ho... and ready to run a marathon.. Mind over matter.. you can do it.. Good lucK!!
  • chgudnitz
    chgudnitz Posts: 4,079
    I estimate that about 90% of running is in your brain. Once you can get your brain to stop telling you that you're tired, you can pretty much go forever. The day I figured that out was a huge stepping stone in my running life. Huge.
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    thanks, ya'll. yes, i have a kickin' playlist that i use (angry 90's grunge keeps me moving), and i have completed each of the routines, even though some weeks i am repeating - this is my second go on W4. i can get through them, but i've come to this point and it doesn't feel like it's getting any easier or comfortable. i'm wondering if my mind is just trying to convince me that this is harder than it actually is - sounds kind of weird, but i'm starting to wonder. it just seems like if it were *really* that hard, i couldn't make it, or i'd hurt somewhere, or i'd be completely out of breath - but my body seems to be on go. i'll try to find that space-out zone where it doesn't matter what i think because i'm not thinking at all!
  • MsElphaba
    MsElphaba Posts: 432 Member
    Do you have a link to the Couch to 5K program you are using? I googled it, but there seems to be a few of them out there.


  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    thanks, ya'll. yes, i have a kickin' playlist that i use (angry 90's grunge keeps me moving), and i have completed each of the routines, even though some weeks i am repeating - this is my second go on W4. i can get through them, but i've come to this point and it doesn't feel like it's getting any easier or comfortable. i'm wondering if my mind is just trying to convince me that this is harder than it actually is - sounds kind of weird, but i'm starting to wonder. it just seems like if it were *really* that hard, i couldn't make it, or i'd hurt somewhere, or i'd be completely out of breath - but my body seems to be on go. i'll try to find that space-out zone where it doesn't matter what i think because i'm not thinking at all!

    I'd say it's in your mind. I'm on week 8 and can run for 28 minutes as long as I can stay out of my head. It's very hard to do but it can be done. Try and think about something else or watch TV.
  • sroseber
    sroseber Posts: 197 Member
    I'm not a runner so I can't give any advice on that aspect of it but I'd say just check and make sure you are getting enough protein, water and calories to fuel your body during the workouts. Sounds like your body is strong enough to do it and you are determined enough to do it so if you are lacking anything nutritionally your body may be sending less to your brain. Just a thought.
  • CardioRS
    CardioRS Posts: 88
    I would assume since you are on MFP that you are doing well nutritionally and eating those calories from your exercise. I'm also going to assume you are not fatigued during the day and that this just hits you in your run. Having said that, I know when I run everyday that if my own personal groove is interrupted by the cell phone ringing or a family member disrupting me on my machine that I can loose it. As long as I stay in my groove, crank up some music (the hard stuff, not that light or even perky stuff) then all is good. I am way bigger than those college girls at the gym with their little pony tails and cute little spandex shorts and my entire thought the whole time is "I'M HERE TO KILL IT AND MAKE YOU LOOK BAD". For me it is all in my head. At 40, horribly overweight and just recovering from a surgery in July that shouldn't be able to happen - it's all what I put in my head, what I allow in there. Find some music and remember you can conquer it and WILL CONQUER IT.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 22,029 Member
    Maybe it's just me, but if I don't get enough carbs, my brain just doesn't function well.
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