crazy canucks

Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
Weigh change for me but I promise I would log and workout- and I am doing both. Have a great day and Go Canada Go!!!


  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Hey Canadians!
    Weigh in today!!! 136.9lbs. not bad. :bigsmile: Glad to see this keep going . . . i need the motivation.

    I have been trying to come up with a few pointers for my mom . . . she is having weight problems and I would like to help her, but I think I need to go one step at time with her. What are some key things that mom could change to begin with??? Any ideas?? I know its a long process so I'm trying to keep her motivated. She has a stationary bike that she rides, she drinks lots of water, she walks everywhere she goes, she doesnt cook with salt, her hormones are slightly out of balance at the moment, eats small proportioned meals, and good meals at that. I asked her how she cooks her fish and chicken and she said roaster in the oven and she doesnt put anything on the meat. She finds that slim fast helps her feel good but hasnt done anything for her weight. I know she is very frustrated and I'm looking for some guidance. . . .
    She is coming into the city this weekend so I asked her to make a food journal for the week and we can go over it together when she comes in. Maybe if I see something, pin point something that I could help her with , maybe I could get her on her way. I think I'll post when I find out more and maybe you guys can help out??? She is kinda shy so I dont think shell be goin on here. But I would like to post for her.

    Any ideas or suggestions??? Thanks!!:bigsmile:
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    oh I forgot to say that this Sunday is my half marathon!!! yah!!!:bigsmile:
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Unfortunately I was up a bit from 2 weeks ago when I weighed myself - 222.7lbs which is up 1.4lbs. I have to stop my extra snacking during the day, increase my water intake (which will help with stopping snacking) and get back to some exercise. Thinking I could break out the Wii EA Active while Abigail is having a nap - 30 mins a day exercising is better than sitting and watching Oprah!

    Jay it sounds like your Mom is doing everything right, which I'm sure is only making her more frustrated. Has she talked to her doctor about her hormone imbalance - sometimes that could be the one thing that's holding the weight loss back. I think having her do a food journal is a great idea. Sometimes you think that your eating healthy but don't really know until you write it all down. I know when I started it wasn't a matter of the foods I was eating (well some of them) but how much of them I was eating. You said they were well proportioned but maybe she's having more frequent small meals than her body will allow.

    Another idea, and just a shot in the dark, have her stop taking the Slim Fast. It's a meal replacement product that could be adding quite a few calories to her daily intake when combined with her healthy meals. I had been using it when we lived in Calgary and found that it was actually helping me GAIN weight not lose because I was taking it in addition to eating. Might help make a difference, might not but it could be worth the try.
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    Wow Jay,

    She is doing all the right things but sometimes our bodies need to adjust to's almost like it trys to demotivate us..almost like a challenge...Ah my mom is big and I think that is why I am always exercising..I am not much of a diet person but a crazy nut that likes to work out..I do small portions...she will see results the key is stick with even if no results one day it will be all there..I am up 10 pounds but I feel lighter- must be the muscle- I am glad we are staying her..I am at home so I can keep it going I need to get back to where I was and I have total 22 pounds to go instead of 12- yeah!! I do feel great. Take care and enjoy your run
  • Cyndi1
    Cyndi1 Posts: 484 Member
    welly back Tasha..I step at a time..I will continue to all the motivation will help you stay on target..log everything..I am back at that too. Take care!
  • TashaS
    TashaS Posts: 199 Member
    Well I skipped Oprah yesterday and did the Wii Active - oh my goodness, even on easy my legs are killing me today! Slow and steady wins the race...
  • Jay_83
    Jay_83 Posts: 446
    Just thought I would post about a 30 day shred team that is starting up on Sunday if you guys are interested . . . I live by it.

    Thanks guys about the suggestions, good point about the Slim Fast!

    if your legs are killing you, its working!!!!:bigsmile: