Old but New :)

Hey everyone. I have actually had an MFP account for a while now, but I have just recently started to use it again. I want to introduce myself to everyone b/c I really need support!! I am having a hard time losing the weight that I have put on over the years, especially after having my babies! I had twins in 2010 and ever since then I have just kept putting on weight. I want to lose 60lbs, but I think I would be happy losing 40 lbs. I have been trying to track my calories and weight on and off since January but I am ready to start seriously tracking to lose. My birthday was May 8th (two days ago) and I turned 29, and I REALLY want to be down AT LEAST 40 lbs before my next birthday. I have to do this. I'm not happy with how I look and I am so self conscience around my husband!!! My only problem is staying on track and eating less/better and moving more. Haha...I guess that's the whole reason I've been putting on weight. I make bad choices (just like this morning! Open diary if you want to look) and I need to do better. My downfall is sweet tea and bad carbs! I grew up on the stuff and I LOVE it soooo much, but I never had a weight problem b/c I didn't eat a ton at once and ran a lot. I've tried unsweet tea or tea with a sugar substitute, but it is nasty to me. I also love carb-laden food, like pizza, chips, breads, bagels and such. I have lost a few pounds since January, but I know that if I stayed moving and ate a little better that I would have lost more by now. Thank you for the listening ear and I hope everyone has a great weekend!!!! If anyone has any motivational speeches I can use one right now...lol.


  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    No great words of wisdom here. Just keep trying. The thing I find I tell myself when I feel down about not doing enough is that a little bit of exercise is better than none at all. If I get up and only have time for 10 minutes on the elliptical that is better than if I stayed in bed and did nothing.

    I can always use good support as well. Feel free to add me.