

  • steveelea
    Hi guys I know that this thread hasn't been active for a while but I have a question
    Could you please advise when the best times to eat on a fasting day and why.
    Some say its best to only have 1 meal in the middle of the day????
    Some say 2 per day??
    Some say whenever all day as long as its under your calorie intake???
    I am looking to start 4:3 and will be starting with 1 meal as I am not too sure what else to do.
    Any thoughts?? :smile:
  • ThisTimeWorks
    Did anyone successfully lose weight doing this other than OP.?
  • ballerina_tea
    ballerina_tea Posts: 41 Member
    Hi guys I know that this thread hasn't been active for a while but I have a question
    Could you please advise when the best times to eat on a fasting day and why.
    Some say its best to only have 1 meal in the middle of the day????
    Some say 2 per day??
    Some say whenever all day as long as its under your calorie intake???
    I am looking to start 4:3 and will be starting with 1 meal as I am not too sure what else to do.
    Any thoughts?? :smile:

    It depends on the person. You'll have to experiment to see what works for you. I like skipping breakfast & lunch, but in the beginning I needed a small lunch time snack because my body hadn't adjusted. Others snack all day, or have a couple small meals. Whatever will help you feel less hungry is all that matters. I really suggest trying 5:2 before 4:3 though. You may find it's all you need, or at least it'll help you adjust. 4:3 can be tough.

    Fwiw I've done 5:2 for about 6 weeks and lost about 8lbs on it. I don't have much left to go though.
  • LemonLizard
    LemonLizard Posts: 86 Member
    I was going to attempt this, but on the first day I felt like I was going to pass out.
  • ThisTimeWorks
    It's probably not my cup of tea, it is fairly easy to follow, fairly slow weight dropping, but this will make me lose muscle not fat...It's such a drastic drop in calories...hmm, or maybe I would have to try it for a week..
  • angie007az
    angie007az Posts: 406 Member
    Dr. Krista Varady has a new book out that I just ordered. She is the person Dr. Mosley mentions in his 5:2 plan. Cannot wait for the book to arrive, "the every other day diet". I have been doing the 5:2 plan but recently switched over to ADF. I have lost my 25 pounds since the end of September 2013.