30 Day shred progress after 7 days (pics)

Hi All, This is my first ever post :-)

I will start off by saying the 30DS is amazing!!! Its the first time i have done it and only been doing it for the past week, 7 consectutive days.
I was a little put off this morning as i stepped on the scales (my weigh day isnt till monday... ooops) and seen that i had gained 1lb :-( i have read that this is common due to water retention for muscle repair. So i thought ah! Its friday, i've been doing the shred a week so i will do a progress photo. I had already taken my before picture last friday so thought it might cheer me up if i could see a difference. And it did!!! To some of you it might not be the biggest difference but to me its atleast a change and thats all i was after :-) now i am grinning from ear to ear and cant wait till day 30!! Here's my pic.... its not the best of bodies but its been home to 4 beautiful babies :-) hope this works......



  • julieager75
    julieager75 Posts: 61 Member
    Those are great results! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on how you are doing.
  • LindieLu79
    LindieLu79 Posts: 36 Member
    Wow! That' awesome! Keep up the awesome work! I also have 30 Day shred... it's been sitting in my cabinet for quite sometime... you've inspired me to blow off some of that dust and put it to good use! :-)
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    Those are great results! Keep up the good work and keep us posted on how you are doing.

    Thank you! And i will! :-)
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    Wow! That' awesome! Keep up the awesome work! I also have 30 Day shred... it's been sitting in my cabinet for quite sometime... you've inspired me to blow off some of that dust and put it to good use! :-)

    Thanks! I love this dvd! I still cant believe in just a week i can actually see a difference! You should defo dust it off and put it to good use ;-)
  • pamaroo64
    pamaroo64 Posts: 5 Member
    Those are awesome results! Don't ever put yourself down :) Keep up the awesome work!!!
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    Great job! Keep it up!
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    Thanks everyone! All your kind words just motivate me even more :-) I have a long way to go but im feeling very good about it right now!
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    Does anyone have any of the other Jillian Michaels dvd's? If so are they as good as 30ds? Im starting with the 6 weeks 6 pack, tried it but can only get half way thru!! Not that i think im gunna get a 6 pack in 6 weeks but it will atleast do some good and tone up my whole core!
  • jls886
    jls886 Posts: 3
    Try Ripped in 30 - it is the same idea as 30 Day Shred but with different exercises. The main difference is that the strength portion is three 30-second exercises instead of one 30-second exercise and then one 60-second exercise. Oh, and there are 4 levels instead of 3 so you switch levels in 7-ish days instead of 10. When I am actually in shape I like to do both videos in a row so I get almost an hour in.
  • NightmareValo
    NightmareValo Posts: 7 Member
    Those are fantastic results! I must admit, I also have a dusty 30day shred dvd sitting in my cabinet and was thinking about starting tommorow when I decided to see what ppl on here think about it. In the past I would keep it up for a few days, and then stop to do other different workouts. I had gotten a gym membership so Ive been working those machines pretty hard but I want more toning and something I can do at home after the gym when I remembered I had this dvd. Thank you for posting these pics :) your doing a great job! Youve definately motivated me!
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    Try Ripped in 30 - it is the same idea as 30 Day Shred but with different exercises. The main difference is that the strength portion is three 30-second exercises instead of one 30-second exercise and then one 60-second exercise. Oh, and there are 4 levels instead of 3 so you switch levels in 7-ish days instead of 10. When I am actually in shape I like to do both videos in a row so I get almost an hour in.

    Thanks for that! I will try it! Im moving up to level 2 on the shred soon so once i am used to doing that i will try this one aswel! Im thinking of doing the shred on a morning and then something in the evening when the kids r in bed! Thanks for the advice!
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    Those are fantastic results! I must admit, I also have a dusty 30day shred dvd sitting in my cabinet and was thinking about starting tommorow when I decided to see what ppl on here think about it. In the past I would keep it up for a few days, and then stop to do other different workouts. I had gotten a gym membership so Ive been working those machines pretty hard but I want more toning and something I can do at home after the gym when I remembered I had this dvd. Thank you for posting these pics :) your doing a great job! Youve definately motivated me!

    Thank you! And i'm glad i have motivated you too!! I have been a member at my gym for the past year but due to family commitments i have not been once this year!! I started off so well, had a personal trainer and everything but they i had an op last year and everything went wrong! So i cancelled it and realised that home workouts are the way forward for me! And it seems to be paying off! I have 38lb to go before i reach my goal weight but with the way things are going with the exercise, the visual results are much nicer to see that the numbers on the scales!! Good luck with starting the shred again...let me know how you get on! I love seeing peoples results! and keep up the good gym work!! :-)
  • valleymum
    valleymum Posts: 33 Member
    that's an amazing difference in 7 days!! great job! u are obviously not "phoning it in" as Jillian would say lol. I just completed the 30 day shred this week ( took me 36 days) I wish I woulda taken pics, but I didn't. I did however take measurements, and I lost a total of 11 inches. stick with it, its hard but SOOOO worth it!
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I started 30DS last night and this has totally inspired me! I really enjoyed it last night and feel it in my tummy and shoulders and actually legs and back lmao and even my danged armpits!! Looking forwards to doing it again tonight :) WELL DONE!!
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    that's an amazing difference in 7 days!! great job! u are obviously not "phoning it in" as Jillian would say lol. I just completed the 30 day shred this week ( took me 36 days) I wish I woulda taken pics, but I didn't. I did however take measurements, and I lost a total of 11 inches. stick with it, its hard but SOOOO worth it!

    Thank you! I must admit i am loving yhe work outs! I had a few naughty slices of pizza last night so im just about to do my normal level 1 plus level 2 as im due to move on to level 2 2moro! Losing 11 inches is amazing!!! Well done!! I didnt take measurements but the photos r really doing it for me! Did you lose much weight? Its so hard to get my head around not actually losing weight but losing inches! Feels like im doing something wrong when i see the scales goin up instead of down!! How long does the retaining water thing go on for??
  • nat2fat
    nat2fat Posts: 9
    I started 30DS last night and this has totally inspired me! I really enjoyed it last night and feel it in my tummy and shoulders and actually legs and back lmao and even my danged armpits!! Looking forwards to doing it again tonight :) WELL DONE!!

    Thank you! Im glad its not just helping me but others! I really enjoy it too! But thank god for muscle soak hot baths haha!!! :-)