
That rhymes!! LOL...I am starting over again!! after baby #3, I need all the help and motivation that I can get! it's been a year, and when she turned 1 a few days ago, it hit me that i'm fatter now than when i was prego w/ her! UGH!!! Well, i gotta start somewhere. I do know that last night when I would have been at the peanut butter jar w/ my spoon and getting my soda, I DIDN"T do it!!! Yay me! baby steps!


  • rhina
    rhina Posts: 1

    My struggle is my husband is away. I stay home and take care my precious our kids. When I feel lonely I start to eat. Being a member on this website has open my eyes of intaken of food. The best thing I would recomend to everyone; (it has work for me) The first thing you see in the morning is a mirror and said I am beautiful person!!!:) I think everyone is beautiful and courages. But the fact is you have to accept yourself first and realize the biggest problem is your food intaken not your weight. My struggle is not to out loneliness or sadness. Eat because I am hungry not hungry to fill emptyness.