

I know I'm one of many people that go through this but I'm so Grrrrrr at myself today. I have been stuck at the same weight for about 3 weeks now even though I have been eating properly and exercising. I know I have to change something to get it to drop again but after going on the scales this morning, seeing no movement once again, I've comfort eaten the whole day!!

Why do I do that?! I hate my relationship with food. I'm not even hungry and I'm still munching away on everything!!

I have my holiday in two weeks and desp wanted to get back down to my old weight before then!

Anyway, rant over. Just feel so rubbish about myself!



  • Vallandingham
    Vallandingham Posts: 2,177
    Don't give up. I have been stuck for almost a month. Didn't give up though. The last three mornings I have seen weight loss on the scale. I weigh in tomorrow for the record and I expect to be down about 3.5 lbs.
  • PaulaDygert
    PaulaDygert Posts: 148 Member
    Your not alone, I have also not dropped any weight for 3 weeks and had one of those days yesterday. I feel so sick to my tummy today it has been hard to eat anything. We will get through this as long as we don't give up! Hang in there.
  • tlschlp
    tlschlp Posts: 54
    I agree, don't give up!

    Are your clothes feeling looser? Do you have more energy? These are other things to consider when the scale doesn't move.

    I weigh myself every morning and have a spreadsheet calculate my 'average' for the week. On Sunday (my official weigh-in day), I gained 2 pounds from the week before!! :( But, I still feel great, and my pants are getting bigger! :)

    I also got in the habit of measuring myself once a week. Again, I pull out that spreadsheet and drop in my numbers. While I gained weight over the week, I also lost 2 inches!!!! That, to me, is my consolation. What I'm doing is working, even if the scale doesn't validate me!

    Stick with it! Maybe you need to change up your calories (add more or eat less), or do something to modify the exercise you are doing? Experiment until you see your weight move again.
  • XPianoPrincessX
    Thanks Everyone :-) and great advice!

    I will start again next tomorrow. Continue beating myself up today then start afresh tomorrow :-) hehe

    I've got summer trousers which I desp want to fit into again before the holiday. I can get them on fine but they aren't loose fitting (which they are supposed to be)

    Just wish I could turn that switch off when it comes to comfort eating!
