3+ months on Mfp--What changes RU seeing in/around you?

NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
What changes are you seeing and feeling in and around you after 3+ months of being on Mfp?

What comments are people making about you/your changes?

If you are not seeing/feeling changes after being here 3 months...what do you think is wrong/what do you need to change?


  • thisisgreatsmile
    thisisgreatsmile Posts: 41 Member
    I am feeling more energetic and alert...my body doesn't hurt as much...people are starting to notice my weight difference...I am starting to challange myself in more areas of my life - trying things and doing things I would not of done before....I am so happy I stumbled across MFP :love:

    This is the first time ever (of all the times I have tried to lose weight and get healthy) that it hasn't been hard and the progress has been slow and steady...everything just seems to be moving along...I don't feel deprived and I am enjoying "the community" I have found!! :flowerforyou:
  • helpthepiggys
    helpthepiggys Posts: 12 Member
    I had to buy a belt to hold up my pants. No one has really noticed my weight loss so far and I'm not really feeling any diferent. It is taking me much longer then I expected to lose 20 lbs...but I will keep going...
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    What changes are you seeing and feeling in and around you after 3+ months of being on Mfp?

    What comments are people making about you/your changes?

    If you are not seeing/

    feeling changes after being here 3 months...what do you think is wrong/what do you need to change?

    I don't know that anything is "wrong" with not seeing, or having others notice, changes yet.

    What do you mean by "wrong" and needing to change?
  • rosemaryhon
    rosemaryhon Posts: 507 Member
    I had to buy a belt to hold up my pants. No one has really noticed my weight loss so far and I'm not really feeling any diferent. It is taking me much longer then I expected to lose 20 lbs...but I will keep going...

    This ^^ is true for me too. No one has noticed my weight loss (yet ;) ). And me too, I didn't expect it to take this long to lose 20 lbs. But I have learned it's okay to go slow :)

    ETA: Just to make clear re: my ticker, I was losing weight before I joined MFP ~ I began on my own in late February, so about 3 months ago.
  • duckiec
    duckiec Posts: 241 Member
    I've lost 20+ lbs. But I see NO change in my body. I know it takes the mind longer to catch up, and pants and such are getting looser, but I'm not a different size- smaller items (xl to l) are still too tight.

    Nobody has really noticed yet. It seems like a lot of work, taking a lot of time, with minimal results (did the 30ds and lost ONE inch total?)

    Yeah, I'm a bit bitter today.

    But focusing on the good- I can run longer than I ever have and will continue to improve- I signed up for a Mud Run this July. I enjoy Zumba, and must be getting okay at it, because I have to constantly work harder to burn the same amount. I have more stamina to run and play with the kids. I often feel sorta deprived in food, but I'm overly restricting, I think so I'm going to work on a better food/goal balance that includes more food/variety. Ok, I'm trying hard to see the positive today but that's still 20+ less than I was carrying around before and I'm that much closer to a healthy weight- an idea that I can't even wrap my mind around how it will look.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    What changes are you seeing and feeling in and around you after 3+ months of being on Mfp?

    What comments are people making about you/your changes?

    If you are not seeing/

    feeling changes after being here 3 months...what do you think is wrong/what do you need to change?

    I don't know that anything is "wrong" with not seeing, or having others notice, changes yet.

    What do you mean by "wrong" and needing to change?


    Good question...I mean it to mean whatever YOU personally want it to mean. This question is not a "fit in a particular box--one answer for all" question. For some (like you perhaps) it will be nothing--for others (like me for instance) it will mean something.

    Example...my first 3 months back, I wasn't seeing the changes I personally feel/felt I should see, because I was doing things "extreme" without balance in my exercise and eating for instance. I was restricting certain things (like meats, dairy and juicing).
    There is nothing wrong with me NOT eating meat...there is nothing wrong with me drinking homemade organic veggie juicing. Nothing wrong at all--however, I learned/am learning that it doesn't have to be an ALL or NOTHING proposition in the eating and exercising department. I was working out hard on my treadmill & stationary bike and videos at first. I am/have changed that up to include "old-school" exercising, like long walking, doing push-ups, sit-ups, bike riding, bowling, lawn mowing and just being active rather than gym work-outs and dvds cardio exercising and I started seeing tremendous results that I wasn't seeing when I was restricting stuff. This is just a wee brief example of what I mean/meant when asking What do you mean by "wrong" and needing to change? Thank so much for posting!
  • onwarddownward
    onwarddownward Posts: 1,683 Member
    In the last couple of months, I have gone from extremely sedentary to highly physically active, swimming laps every single day. I have noticed that I am much firmer and toned. I am also keep track of my foods and have lost some weight.

    I am trying to pace myself, rather than saying I want to meet this particular goal by a certain date. I have taken photos and I can see a difference in my body in the two weeks between the photos. I posted them on my MFP blog. I am still VERY overweight, but I can see the tone starting to creep in and it has made me happy.

    I just keep plugging away, what exercise are you doing?
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    i started seeing a difference in my feet and ankles and butt. but only a very small difference. I would like to see more of a difference. But I just gotta keep at it..
  • madmax0412
    madmax0412 Posts: 65
    Not quite back on MFP 3 months yet but I've noticed my energy level is a lot higher.

    Pretty similar to the rest of the comments really. The weight isn't exactly coming off rapidly but I'm putting in the work and tracking what I eat so I realize that it's an "all in due time" kind of thing.

    I can make it through an entire Tapout DVD now so that's encouraging.

    And plus I have a motivated army of MFP friends that for the most part stay positive and encourage me just as I encourage them.

    The social connection with folks from all around the world with a shared common goal has been for me one of the best things. It's great to see their small victories on a daily basis and that motivates me tremendously.
  • benum21121
    benum21121 Posts: 200
    I've been on here for almost 90 days- EVERYTHING has changed. I lost over 50 pounds on MFP about 2 years ago.. it was very effective! I hit a plateau and got 'off the wagon'. I've been trying to get back ON the wagon ever since, and gained all my weight back and then some along the timeline. This is the first time it's taken off, and I hit the ground RUNNING!! My body is completely different, my energy level is through the roof, I keep having to get smaller uniforms/supplies from my Training Department at work, people have definitely noticed the loss, and most of all- I have about an ounce of self-confidence, which I've never really had before. The biggest change in me in the 90 days I've been here? ME. :-)
  • Andrew_peter
    Andrew_peter Posts: 94 Member
    Been on for just over 4 months now and it is so true that the mind is slower to notice changes in yourself, wish I would have taken detailed before pics but am finally noticing some difference now. I think the problem was never having a good look in the mirror when I was at my heaviest due to dissatisfaction in myself, so no real standard or image to compare to now. Huge part of it was keeping with the same clothes until losing right around 50 lbs I think too. Made such a big difference in how I felt looked and helped to get over a short period of demotivation!!

    Plus the scale movement and the 4 new holes I have had to punch in my belt just to keep my pants up do not lie!!

    Other people who I see day to day have indicated they have noticed changes, but it's those you only see infrequently who are most taken aback. The fact that they don't seem to accept the progress made with just simply exercise, watching calories, and some dedication, and I several people are just convinced I am sick/dying or something lol.
  • Libi_KK
    Libi_KK Posts: 572 Member
    Well..the biggest one is my ticker vvv :love:

    But also, I've noticed I'm eating less and making better choices before I eat. When we go out for dinner, we go with people who are supportive of my life changes and weight loss goal. It really helps that they don't mind me whipping out my phone so I can log BEFORE I eat.. so I can make better choices.

    Exercise wise: I'm able to do the 2 mile loop around my house in under an hour-45 minutes if I push it. The dog is crazy excited when I get home. he goes to the door, looks at me, then the leash, then me and the door again. He will do this forever until I either say yes or no. Gives me whiplash. :wink: And he looks so disheartened when I tell him no because it's raining.

    I really noticed the change when I started doing old school exercises: sit ups, push ups, squats. Yes, I do have to do counter push ups, partly because I haven't built up the strength in my arms, partly because I either fractured or bruised my patella near my knee over the winter and STILL can't put weight on it. I'm also doing burpees, and a routine I found online that I :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • scwilson38
    scwilson38 Posts: 104 Member
    I am walking/light jogging 2 miles a day which I was never able to do before at my highest weight. Also, can do a whole Zumba dvd at mid/high intensity. I have gone down a few sizes in clothes which is great. I haven't had alot of people notice but I notice and that is all that matters. I have more energy and continue to make great choices even when the scale isn't moving alot.
  • missybct
    missybct Posts: 321 Member
    Although I've only been routinely logging for about a month, I have been overhauling my lifestyle, diet and general outlook since about February after a breakdown.

    I started losing weight in mid January, started at 21st 3lbs and weighed in at 17st 2lbs today - initially my weight loss was primarily down to eating very very little due to sheer lack of appetite - something I despised as I knew it was the wrong way to go about it but physically couldn't eat. From about April onwards, I taught myself more about the foods I was eating, learnt about what was good for my brain and my body. I started slow - replacing certain foods, walking 1 mile a day. Now I walk 20+ miles a week and work out at the gym for around 6 hours a week.

    What changes do I feel? I no longer feel so sluggish. I have more energy than ever - probably a side effect of my mental health and my physical health (I don't mind though!). I no longer crave junk food. I ENJOY exercise. I am not afraid of the gym. Mentally, exercise gives me the opportunity to focus on a problem and banish it from my mind by pounding it away until it's insignificant. I no longer drink 20+ units of alcohol a week - in fact, I've drunk about 10 units since January and nothing for 2 months. (I was addicted to alcohol for over 8 years)

    I've lost 4 stone so far; but I was really big to begin with. People are saying "You look different" or "You look well" - I haven't explicitly said to most that I'm "losing weight" because in reality, although I am losing weight, it's a byproduct of just being HEALTHY. I can see I've lost weight, but I have no real idea of what size I am - I don't really care much, I'll buy whatever fits, whether it's a 16 or a 24.

    Getting healthy has saved my life both physically and mentally.
  • anne2605
    anne2605 Posts: 482 Member
    I've so much more room in my wardrobe because I've had to virtually empty it of it's contents. Most of my clothes are just too big.
    I have more confidence in myself and I'm prepared to challenge myself in areas I would never have considered 3 months ago i.e. I ran my 1st 5K last Sunday, now considering doing a 10K.

    My family have been very supportive and have championed me all the way, even my 2 teenage boys regularly tell me how proud they are of me. I hope to show them that, if you work hard and really, really want something you can achieve it.

    I'm very happy with my progress over the past 3 months.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Well..the biggest one is my ticker vvv :love:

    But also, I've noticed I'm eating less and making better choices before I eat. When we go out for dinner, we go with people who are supportive of my life changes and weight loss goal. It really helps that they don't mind me whipping out my phone so I can log BEFORE I eat.. so I can make better choices.

    Exercise wise: I'm able to do the 2 mile loop around my house in under an hour-45 minutes if I push it. The dog is crazy excited when I get home. he goes to the door, looks at me, then the leash, then me and the door again. He will do this forever until I either say yes or no. Gives me whiplash. :wink: And he looks so disheartened when I tell him no because it's raining.

    I really noticed the change when I started doing old school exercises: sit ups, push ups, squats. Yes, I do have to do counter push ups, partly because I haven't built up the strength in my arms, partly because I either fractured or bruised my patella near my knee over the winter and STILL can't put weight on it. I'm also doing burpees, and a routine I found online that I :heart: :heart: :heart:

    You are doing super TREMENDOUS! 54 pounds gone is the business. I'm also doing serious squats now, and this time a few months ago, I not only couldn't do squats, but hated them. I love them now. I had to google burpees--woooow, I'm going to have the try that! You ROCK!
  • karenertl
    karenertl Posts: 271 Member
    All I've noticed is that my weight is going down and my face doesn't look quite as fat. Otherwise I haven't seen any changes.
  • NakeshiaB
    NakeshiaB Posts: 250 Member
    I've learnt that I can't do this on my own, hence why I've signed up to Michelle Bridges 12WBT. It's great that some people can lose large amounts of weight with just some online support, I don't seem to have the willpower to do that, which is also fine.

    I started using MFP as a tool to track what I ate to assist with my IBS, but you can get so caught up in the forums, calorie counting and comparing yourself to others that it's easy for your goals to change. Frankly I became obsessive and that is very dangerous to anyone. I've always been around 5kg overweight and don't have much to lose now, around 8kg would be nice.

    I've reverted back to simply using MFP to track food, I don't worry if I go over my calories some days. I know this 12 week challenge will kick my butt and hopefully result in me losing a few kgs.
  • TheRunningGuppy
    TheRunningGuppy Posts: 651 Member
    It's been about 4 months for me. I'm inching close to the 40 lbs lost mark, hopefully by the end of the month. As someone else mentioned, my closet is looking pretty sparse right now, I've gotten rid of 3 large garbage bags of clothes. I'm gradually building my wardrobe up, I have stash of items still too small for me tucked in the back of my closet.
    I do have people notice the difference in my body. My best friend who had not seen me since January came for a visit last weekend, and was very impressed. Other people say they're seeing it most in my face and around my hips and ribs.
    I exercise like a machine now. I've never in my life been as active as I am these days. I run, walk, cycle, zumba, wii fit, yoga, basically, I work my butt off. My activeness has sparked my husband into action. He's in much better shape than I am, but was very sedentary. So he is running now about 3 times a week. And my kids are happy to get out and walk with me, or ride bikes. They're young (9 & 4), so this is a good thing!
    Food is not a problem for me anymore. I know now that I can eat what I want, and not overdo it. I've learned that self control, mostly because I track everything I eat and I prelog, so I know what's left if I need or want to eat more.
  • babynun
    babynun Posts: 120 Member
    I've been logging consistently for 6 months now (after Thanksgiving of course). The weight loss has been great (-16 lbs) and have gone down from pant size 9/10 to size 5 (the size 5 is starting to get loose). So yeah, MFP has been great and I tell everyone about logging calories and taking accountability for what they eat.
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