
Well, this will be my third attempt at weight loss.
The first time, I did running. The second, boxing...and now I have seriously been considering some at home Zumba DVD's...however, I have kind of been going back and forth on this and need to know...is Zumba effective for weight loss??
Also, due to economical issues, I don't have the money to go out and join a gym membership or a dance class so what are some excellent Zumba DvD's?



  • redhead1910
    redhead1910 Posts: 304 Member
    I have been to a few zumba classes. I find it really difficult to follow the routines and if you're not doing the moves you're not getting a work out. If you are good at dancing and memorizing complicated choreography, go for it.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I have the full disc set for Zumba - I started out with the first (learning the steps) and soon I will be hitting the last one :)

    The one I am on now (Exhilaration) I burn about 500 calories for the hour (give or take depending on my energy level) I have done other dvd's once or twice a week just to mix it up but I LOVE Zumba - it is fun and sometimes doesn't feel like you are working out. Out of all my work out dvd's I burn the most with Zumba...could be just because I like it more therefore I am more energetic about it lol
  • amwoidyla
    amwoidyla Posts: 257 Member
    Ive never done a DVD, just classes. It will take you a few times through the DVD to learn the moves, but Zumba is what you make it.
    As long as you're attempting to do the moves and moving, you will be getting a good workout. If there's a move you can't do for whatever reason (twisted knee, flexibility, you're just reallly tired) modify it!

    There's days I go and my SI joint is bothering me, so I just do low kicks instead of alternating with high. I burn almost the exact same calories. Other than the above post...I've never heard a negative opinion of Zumba.

    Do it up!
  • Deed214
    Deed214 Posts: 8 Member
    Zumba is the most fun workout you'll ever do!!! I've been going to classes for three years now. Love it :) My sister has done Zumba and Zumba Core workouts on the X-Box Kinect. She loves the workouts too!
  • AlliBarlik
    AlliBarlik Posts: 111 Member
    I <3 ZUMBA! It's a great workout! Doesn't feel like you are working but a good instructor can kick your butt! It's great! I am sweating like a crazy person when I am done and feel like I've had a great workout!