
Are there any women out there looking to lose weight before becoming pregnant? I'm looking for friends who are in the same situation as me. Overweight and wanting to become "normal" weight" before starting to try for a baby! I need to lose 50lbs minimum to become "normal" I Would really like to find some nutrition buddies in the same boat! Thanks!


  • tpkaylor
    tpkaylor Posts: 5
    Hi there! I am doing it for many reasons, but pregnancy is one of them. We have a 17 m.o. but I've told my husband that we won't be having another one until I get most of the extra weight off. I want to lose 90 lbs. So it will be atleast a year most likely. So yeah, totally in the same boat, I want a healthy pregnancy for the next little one & also have some vain reasons, like wanting nothing but the baby bump showing. haha You can totally add me if you need some extra motivation! :)