


  • AAllin38
    AAllin38 Posts: 20
    i still drink....
    that's how i cope with that problem.

    I prefer jameson - on ice.

    Is it too soon to say WOULD BANG?

    it is never too soon.....
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
  • baneboy
    baneboy Posts: 65
    I still drink at the weekend's, just have 2 work harder in the gym on Mondays! lol
  • longtimeterp
    longtimeterp Posts: 614 Member
    I have read that the liver actually metabolizes alcohol calories not the digestive system (in regular drinkers) thats why they are "Empty" calories (obviously the sugar in a mikes is carbs, but just the alcohol isnt the same) and that alcohol won't put on weight like food.

    Body Weight. Although alcohol has a relatively high caloric value, 7.1 Calories per gram (as a point of reference, 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4.5 Calories, and 1 gram of fat contains 9 Calories), alcohol consumption does not necessarily result in increased body weight. An analysis of data collected from the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES I) found that although drinkers had significantly higher intakes of total calories than nondrinkers, drinkers were not more obese than nondrinkers. In fact, women drinkers had significantly lower body weight than nondrinkers. As alcohol intake among men increased, their body weight decreased (17). An analysis of data from the second National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES II) and other large national studies found similar results for women (18), although the relationship between drinking and body weight for men is inconsistent. Although moderate doses of alcohol added to the diets of lean men and women do not seem to lead to weight gain, some studies have reported weight gain when alcohol is added to the diets of overweight persons (19,20).

    AND ESPECIALLY THIS...When chronic heavy drinkers substitute alcohol for carbohydrates in their diets, they lose weight and weigh less than their nondrinking counterparts (21,22). Furthermore, when chronic heavy drinkers add alcohol to an otherwise normal diet, they do not gain weight (21).
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I was a very heavy drinker before getting serious about losing weight (couple bottles of wine during a weekend? I was more like a couple bottles of whiskey a weekend)

    I still drink on occasion - try to fit it in, but I dont freak if I go over (Gonna grab a 6-pack of something nice for the Bruins game tonight - it WILL put me over)

    Another thing that's helped is .. There's no calories in pot.
  • dressagester
    dressagester Posts: 53 Member
    I have read that the liver actually metabolizes alcohol calories not the digestive system (in regular drinkers) thats why they are "Empty" calories (obviously the sugar in a mikes is carbs, but just the alcohol isnt the same) and that alcohol won't put on weight like food.

    ...When chronic heavy drinkers substitute alcohol for carbohydrates in their diets, they lose weight and weigh less than their nondrinking counterparts (21,22). Furthermore, when chronic heavy drinkers add alcohol to an otherwise normal diet, they do not gain weight (21).

    Excellent. I'm going to take up heavy drinking. It's about time by b1tch-*kitten* liver started pulling its weight!
  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member


    I drink wine occasionally. I used to drink a lot of beer. Now I try to stick with light mixed drinks like vodka and diet cherry 7 up or diet cranberry. I like vodka with something crisp and fruity, especially now that it's warming up outside.
  • ScullyKel
    ScullyKel Posts: 69
    I can sit down and kill a bottle of wine myself as well. It's a lot easier not to now that my hubby doesn't drink, but when I do drink...

    I space out my drinks by having a glass of wine and then a glass of water or calorie free flavored seltzer. Rinse, wash, repeat....
    That way I'm still drinking something (if I'm out and being social), still getting a buzz and rehydrating while pacing myself.

    Sometimes if its a really fruity and sweet white wine I'll just make spritzers so that the calorie count is lessened but I am tricking my brain into believing that I'm pounding down drinks :drinker:

    Hope that helps!
  • ScullyKel
    ScullyKel Posts: 69
    Another thing that's helped is .. There's no calories in pot.

    LOL... Nope... No There's not!
  • K_armfield
    K_armfield Posts: 23 Member
    This is also very hard for me but its the following day that's hard. I am always so hungry because I usually don't eat much for dinner the night before and the general lack of sleep doesn't help. I'm still trying to find a happy medium with all of it but its hard. Good luck!!!
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member
    I've made a life style change to cut it back but I certainly won't give it up. I work hard and have a hectic life, my treat is my bottle of wine on a Saturday. I pre log the calories and work around it. I also have a couple glasses generally on a Tuesday which is normally my bad day at work!! I haven't given up anything I love ( apart from cherry coke!) and having wine hasn't affected my weight loss! Enjoy!!!
  • xjckemx
    xjckemx Posts: 95 Member

    Love this!!
  • hessenkat
    hessenkat Posts: 9 Member
    Drink is the reason I joined this website- I've been a big drinker for the last two years. Vodka is my weakness- and I mean to the point of getting home from work and pouring myself a drink and not stopping until the bottle had finished. I have not not had one drop for the seven days, the same day I realised enough was enough. I feel so much better for it, honestly. I am craving it a bit, but seeing how many calories I was consuming solely from drink is enough to put me off now. I guess you can allow for it in your daily intake, but if you're anything like me, just stear well clear.

    Feel free to add me so we can help motivate each other (I'm fairly new at all this).
    Good luck xxx
  • ChantalAguiar
    ChantalAguiar Posts: 55 Member
    i still drink....
    that's how i cope with that problem.

    I prefer jameson - on ice.

    I'll have you on ice!
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    I will have a couple grape flavored vodka's with plain water. Less cals and tasty. :smile:
  • ChantalAguiar
    ChantalAguiar Posts: 55 Member
    i still drink....
    that's how i cope with that problem.

    I prefer jameson - on ice.

    Is it too soon to say WOULD BANG?

    Hahahaha! LOVE IT!
  • ChantalAguiar
    ChantalAguiar Posts: 55 Member
    I drank Vodka soda water with lemon all weekend in Vegas, and still lost 2 lbs., That's my go to drink!
  • laurie41565
    laurie41565 Posts: 64 Member
    Actually come to think of it I haven't drank in a couple of months and haven't lost squat......ZIP.. and last weekend I went out and had about 5 grape flavored vodkas and water and I was down 2 lbs as of this morning....go figure. Looks like I might have a few tonight!! :laugh:
  • mrflash222
    mrflash222 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm sorry, but I can cut calories a lot of places; however, I am not going to sacrifice my sanity by cutting out the alcohol. This statement could possibly automatically enroll me in some 12 step process.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I rarely drink, but when i do it's a couple bottles of red wine. I don't feel guilty about it, I bust my *kitten* almost every day, when I get the chance to have a few drinks, I'm going to. 'Tis the season for beer and patios :drinker: