Keep your head up!

So one posted this on FB I liked it so I decided to steal it and share.


Nobody ever looks at a BEFORE picture and thinks, "Wow...look at where they started." NO. They look at the AFTER picture and think, "Oh my God...look at all they have accomplished. Wow!"

There would be no BEFORE without an AFTER. There would be no HOT without a COLD. There would be no GOOD if there were no EVIL. There would be no HARD if there were no EASY.

Flaunt where you start. Flaunt it. Be proud of it. Don't be embarrassed by it. Flaunt it. Say to the world, "This is where I started, but damn it...this is where I am right now. THIS IS HOW I'VE FINISHED!"

You are an AFTER picture in the making. But nobody will ever know or appreciate your AFTER if they didn't know your BEFORE.

Don't only be proud of where you FINISH. Be proud of where you STARTED.

Share it or not. But don't be embarrassed by it. Be proud of where you started and where you finished.
