Why are you doing this?

I think that everyone hits the point where enough is enough and you know you need to change. I was wondering what motivated you to do this and make the change?

For me it is a bit involved. Two and a half years ago I decided to become a surrogate. I was eating good, losing weight and it was something that I had always wanted to do. I got matched with a wonderful couple and we began the IVF process. This process involves many, many horomones via shots and pills. I gained 8 pounds before we even transferred and then the first transfer failed. Didn't lost that weight and then we tried again and I had a beautiful little boy last year. They wanted a sibling so we decided to try again. Pregnancy weight wasn't gone, horomones started again but it was all worth it when I saw that positive pregnancy test. At my 10 week ultrasound the heart had stopped beating. I was devastated but I knew we could do this so I agreed to try again. Once again I got pregnant and once again we suffered a miscarriage. I was heartbroken but decided I needed to focus on me. One week after my miscarriage I signed up for my first 5K. That was my motivation to get out there and get ready for it. It was rough those first few weeks of C25K but I powered through. Two weeks into my training the couple I was a surrogate for decided that it was my fault and "dumped" me. I was once again heartbroken and could have easily given up the running and drown my sorrows in food but I decided it was their loss and this was my chance to get my body back after four cycles of horomones. Granted my body wasn't where I wanted it to be before that but now was the chance to get it there.

It has been 8 weeks and I feel great about the choice I made. I have one day left of C25K training and my 5K is in two weeks. I'm eating better and have so much more energy. This site has been great at getting me motivated and keeping me there. So thanks everyone and I can't wait to hear your motivation.