Anyone Else Have the Same Problem??



  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I have been having the same exact problem as you. DO NOT DRINK LAXATIVE TEA! Senna tea is absorbed into your intestines and stimulates to cause a BM. Next time you need to have one, your body wants that stimulant again. Keep seeing and talking with your doctor until you get it figured out.
  • lk227
    lk227 Posts: 28
    I don't know if anyone suggested this, but try flax seeds or flax seed oil.
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    Have you tried a tsp of mineral oil? My pediatrician recommended this for my son. Nobody mentioned Activia. I've never tried it but isn't this the purpose of it?
  • Jesusfollower72
    I take a magnesium supplement before bed with 12 ounces of water.
  • junebug523
    junebug523 Posts: 196
    I have this problem too sometimes, despite the fact that I exercise regularly, eat plenty of fiber, and drink 12+ cups of water per day. Honestly, some days all it takes is a brisk walk or jog for a few minutes to get things going, within 30 minutes of eating. Just to be on the safe side, I always stick close to home during the first 15-20 minutes of my walks:tongue: .
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I have this problem too sometimes, despite the fact that I exercise regularly, eat plenty of fiber, and drink 12+ cups of water per day. Honestly, some days all it takes is a brisk walk or jog for a few minutes to get things going, within 30 minutes of eating. Just to be on the safe side, I always stick close to home during the first 15-20 minutes of my walks:tongue: .

    I agree with this also. A lot of times when I go jogging I get the urge within the first 1.5 mile. Also, something I have found extremely helpful since going through all this is this tip: Take the time to relax on the toilet. :blushing: Lean forward while sitting there and take deep breaths in through your nose and out through your mouth. It's helped me a lot. :flowerforyou:
  • nicolina823
    nicolina823 Posts: 450 Member
    Activia used to work for me. Now I eat Kashi in the AM. The whole cup w/lactos free milk. I find that the combo does the trick. And Im not bloated at all any more.

    For when I get to 2-3 weeks without a movement I use a bottle magnesium citrate. And make sure I dont have to go anywhere. When I had a real bad problem it was a bottle a week. Now its a bottle 1 time a month if I have a few bad days without the Kashi in the AM. Then I'm back to normal.
  • leavinglasvegas
    leavinglasvegas Posts: 1,495
    There are alot of really great suggestions on here. I, personally, like the internal salt water bathing, as Vallladingham recommended.

    But I will say, as someone who suffers from chronic constipation and has done all of the above. From fiber to Master Cleansing! See a GI specialist asap. If you have already done some things, including laxitives, you should probably make sure you do not have some sort of blockage or something esle causing you bowels not to move. It was discovered that I had a redundant colon. As my GI put it, extra plumbing. My colon had twisted. Had I continued putting things in to get it all out, I could have caused my colon to rupture. I also have IBS, caused by my nervous system misfiring and can't process meat. I also discovered that I had multiple food allergies causing GI problems. Removing gluten/wheat and dairy has helped a ton. I can safely cleanse, and I do a few times per year. Sometimes I use a cup of senna tea. I get tons of fiber from whole foods, not supplements...ever. I do have to use a little Librax when stressed because of the nervous system situation.

    If the regular things aren't working and you are having such a hard time, don't try to do anything else without the help of a GI specialist. Just make sure your clear, if you know what I mean. Then proceed to try the other stuff. Just don't keep packing in fiber or laxitives if its not coming out. It can get REAL uncomfortable, and having a blockage removed digitally, lets just say, its not a nice experience.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    omg, i had the same problem a few weeks ago. I mean seriously, i was on the verge of wanting to go in for a colonic or finding a cleanse or something to get things "moving" :sick:

    i just adjusted a few things in my diet...actually lowering fat and adding a few more fruits and carbs helped...tweaking here and there, trial and error helped a lot. coffee was a big help too.

    good luck.
  • dawnyralph
    dawnyralph Posts: 4
    i found that when i first started to diet I was a bit constipated - i think its your body going into shock after starting to eat healthy - I found the Kiwi fruits really helped - just a couple on the first day and then one every day until it has eased
  • mworld
    mworld Posts: 270
    Activia used to work for me.

    Try the Acitvia 2 week challenge. They sell it at costco.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    You are preaching to the choir with Constipation I have been dealing with it for quite sometime as well My doctor has no clue what's going on I don't want to see a Colon and Rectal doctor. I know my issue is pretty bad though I will go 2 weeks.

    A lot of woman suffer with constipation some think they are constipated when they aren't if you go every couple of days then your good. Try taking Colace, Don't fight the urge and wait when you have the urge to go regardless where you are, Look at the foods you are eating, Get your fiber from REAL sources not packaged food like Fiber One Bars, Metamucil everyday, Don't mess with Laxatives or Enemas after awhile they have the reverse effect. Continue to drink your water, exercise, and eat right.

    I am going to have to break down and go to the Specialist though but really don't want too :(
    I can look like I am 3-4 months pregnant at times it's horrible My doctor told me that my constipation is effecting my scale as well which pisses me off cause I do what I am supposed to do.

    Good Luck though