Weight loss while disabled

:ohwell: I'm trying to lose weight but I'm limited on the exercises that I can do. I do go to PT and have my stretching exercises to do at home, but I won't ever be able to walk, bike or lift weights like I use to. Also for my diet 2 days a week I limit my calorie intake to 500 calories for the day. Now in only the 2nd week of trying I have noticed that I'm not as hungry on the other 5 days and I try to make healthy choices for when we eat out or go to function where the menu is set I just get a smaller portion. Any way I'm looking for some more exercise ideas that I will have to run by my doctor first but what are you doing exercise way to help the pounds fall off?


  • Mads1997
    Mads1997 Posts: 1,494 Member
    weight loss comes from a calorie deficit not exercise.

    Do you have a heated pool where you are. We have a lot of disabled folks that can do exercises in the water, maybe that is something you can check out.
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    If you "google" "chair exercises" you will find many websites that present exercises that can be done while seated. In addition, your P.T. ought to be able to give you a home exercise program. Are you able to get to a swimming pool? Many YMCAs have a variety of exercise programs in the pool--there may be one that suits your level of ability. Good for you for wanting to do the best you can with what you have!