Yesterday I was *ravenous* and today I'm down 1.8 lbs. ?'s

tamaramtz Posts: 13
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
I've been trying so hard to make sure I have enough calories left for dinner I've been ending up with 500 or more (sometimes as much as 800) cal. left by 6:30 p.m. I know it isn't good to take in so many cal. in the evening when you don't need them and I've been so hungry during the day I've chewed my way through a 100-piece jar of gum in the last 10 days or so . . . that added to a scale and measurements that refuse to budge meant I needed to make some changes. So yesterday I made sure I spread the calories out over 3 large meals with more of them going toward breakfast and lunch and I got all my calories in but around 20. Still, I just count *not* get enough to eat! All day I felt hungry enough to finish off the meal by licking the plate and then eating the dishes and utensils themselves! All I could think about was when and what I could eat and my poor stomach about turned inside out, it was so empty. (BTW, my diet yesterday was impeccable. I don't usually eat junk anyway, but yesterday I was especially careful to get plenty of fiber, protein, water, and veggies in hopes of feeling full. Alas . . .)

This morning, for the sake of curiosity, I weighed in and found that I dropped 1.8 lbs. in the last 2 days. I guess I did something right, or did I? I thought it was a bad thing to be feeling that hungry; that losing weight by hunger was the wrong way to go. Or is it fine and normal as long as you get all your cal. in?

I'm going to assume I'm on the right track now and keep doing what I did yesterday for another couple of weeks to see if the progress continues. In the meantime, how can I keep from feeling soooo hungry?? I've been gnawing on my gum so hard I've been getting headachy.


  • surlydave
    surlydave Posts: 512 Member
    Actually, several diet plans recommend you eat more frequent smaller meals throughout the day e.g. 5 smaller meals every 2 1/2 hours than 2 large ones every 4. This will keep your digestion and metabolism churning and fight your hunger issues.
  • xtina11179
    xtina11179 Posts: 352
    It is such a silly little mind trick, but I drink a few cups of green tea throughout the day, usually between meals, and for some reason, I fool myself into thinking I am not hungry! It may not work for everyone, but it does for me! My favorite is Salada Green Tea with Antioxidants (Citrus)!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Usually if you are that hungry you need to EAT. It's your body's way of saying "FEED ME!"

    After the first full week or 2 of doing this you need a refeed day, especially if you are exercising.
    It's like a planned cheat day, but it's not cheating because it is part of the plan.
    Google refeed and read about it.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Even if you don't eat RIGHT on your calorie goal, you should be fine. I try not to leave more than 50 or 60 but lately have been trying to get closer.
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    As you stick to eating less and try out different low-cal options, your hunger cravings will probably subside...? I have found that certain foods keep me full enough to make it through while others just encourage more cravings. Keep at it and you will find what works... Unfortunately it's not easy, but you'll get there!!!
  • VSgirl2010
    VSgirl2010 Posts: 145 Member
    Personally I don't think one can keep from feeling hungry all the time. Only some of the time. It sounds like you are thinking about it too much though. AND on one hand because you HAVE to count calories you HAVE to think about it too much. Its like a catch 22 I swear. My friend and I did this together (MFP) and we were obsessed with counting every little thing and we were starving all day long and wondered if we could do this forever- We lost like 2 pounds in a month (big whoop). One day I gave up logging food on here and counting calories (I continued to log exercise). What happened was I started losing weight because I automatically ate well KNOWING I could make a mistake and go over. BUT I stopped obsessing. I stopped panicking about going over, going under, etc. Its kinda like the couple who tries and tries to get pregnant and can't. The minute they stop fretting it happens for them. NOW! I am in NO WAY saying you should stop counting or logging your food etc. What worked for me may absolutely not work for you or anyone else. I'm just saying try not to make it every moment of your life for a little bit and see what happens.....If that makes you gain then I guess go back to what you were doing......Not every plan works for every person. Good luck!:smile:
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member
    Be careful of using what the scale says in the morning to judge the damage from the night before. The scale fluctuates so much over the course of the week due to unimportant factors such as water weight and when you last pooped or ate or had a high sodium meal and it can take as long as 72 hours for something you ate to make it's way all the way through your digestive system.

    Scales just aren't an accurate enough measure of fat loss to use them that way.

    As for saving your calories for the end of the day vs. spreading them out, there are good reasons to spread them out but weight loss isn't one of them. Studies have shown that it doesn't matter when you eat your calories -- what matters is if there is an overall deficit for the day.

    Some reasons to spread them out are: to control blood sugar, prevent over-eating from being too hungry at the start of the meal, and also to keep insulin from spiking too much. Also, going to bed with your tummy full gives some people weird dreams and interrupts their sleep patters.

    OTOH, if eating more of your calories at night works for you, then why not do it that way? Personally I feel better if I'm not eating all night, but that's me. Everyone is different!
  • OnieBee
    OnieBee Posts: 67
    I know after I have a really hard workout I'm starving and on occasions it lasts throughout the day, but like mentioned above I think the hunger stands out more because of the calorie counting. I'm hoping that with time our bodies will adjust and it will become second nature! Also, when I'm feeling really hunger and I have just eaten my meal I chug down a good liter of water and I've found that, that helps a lot!
  • Dont weigh your self but once a week. I used to wrigh daily and like ppl mentioned, weight flectuates. =(
    try spreading out your meals and when your hungry still eat.... i eat things like almonds, rice cakes, fruit... drink water... yogurt. those things are all light on calories and hold me over till the next meal. I usually too have quite abit of calories left for dinner, but then i like that better cuz then im ready for a real meal :) GOOD LUCK
    The first week i was hungry all day, but it went away. I am on week 2, and have been fine till today lol. I woke hungry and my normal breakfast didnt hold me over...ate lunch, hungry 2 hrs later... just had a snack and its not touchin it. I have been working out harder. perhaps thats it
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