Realistic weight loss goal for 3months?

I'm currently at the end of my university term and want to kick start my weight loss again...I'd like to return to uni as a new person!
I was wondering what a realistic goal would be for three months and what have you found help you lose weight most efficiently?
I've lost 21lb so far and want to lose at least another 15lb to get down to 10 stone (I'm 5'7 & 20 years old).


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    Aim for 1 lb per week. But if you want to see great changes in your body, stop worry about weight and worry about composition. Start doing some heavy weight training if you aren't already along with some cardio (HIIT is best). You will see much greater changes if you focus on composition over weight.