fat and calories in coconuts?

I am absolutely in love with drinking coconuts but they don't list the calories on the ones i buy and i'm suspicious about searching it on google because sometimes you get a load of false information.

my friend says they're super fatty but is it bad fat or fat your body needs? should i cut them out? cause i'd rather not if i don't have to but i'm just curious as to their general nutritional values.

it would be nice to get some feedback i'd be super grateful for any alternatives, also, because i'm so so SO addicted to the drinking coconuts at my supermarket argh!


  • Minerva624
    Minerva624 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm not sure about the fat and calorie content in coconuts.
    What about getting natural coconut juice/milk? At least the nutrition facts are stated on the package. I would love to drink fresh coconuts though but they are too expensive here.