i went over my calories :( what do i do???



  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Log it, move on, no big deal and remember...
  • juicednjuicy7
    juicednjuicy7 Posts: 26 Member
    this post made me feel soooooo much better i think the same thing when i go over my calorie intake!. but i see the key is to go harder than i ate!
  • CrazyTrackLady
    CrazyTrackLady Posts: 1,337 Member
    I'd begin by asking myself: "Is this seriously the most important thing I should worry about?" The answer is a resounding NO. Life's full of major issues, crises and problems. Going over a calorie count one day doesn't fit into any of the above situations.

    Evaluate, Prioritize and Redirect.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Try to pick up the pieces of your life and move on. Forget about yesterday.

    You DO have a more serious issue. You are eating 1200 calories and you try to stay at least 200 under that goal??

    you are eating 1000 or less calories a day? So you just had a binge day. This is about the worst pattern you can be setting up for yourself. Please start eating at LEAST 1200 a day, not under. I'm going to guess your TDEE and BMR are actually over that so you should be eating even more than that a day.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Don't worry about one bad day. You need to mix it up once in a while so that your body doesn't know what to expect.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    Try to pick up the pieces of your life and move on. Forget about yesterday.

    You DO have a more serious issue. You are eating 1200 calories and you try to stay at least 200 under that goal??

    you are eating 1000 or less calories a day? So you just had a binge day. This is about the worst pattern you can be setting up for yourself. Please start eating at LEAST 1200 a day, not under. I'm going to guess your TDEE and BMR are actually over that so you should be eating even more than that a day.
    Agree with this. Always being under by at least 200 calories is a much bigger problem than occasionally going over. In fact, occasionally going over isn't a problem at all. Your calorie goal is just that - a goal to aim for, a target to try to get as close as possible to. You're not supposed to be trying to undershoot it all the time. Your calorie goal gives you a calorie deficit, you don't have to make a deficit on top of that. 1200 calories is not a lot to start with. Routinely eating 1000 or less could cause you a lot of problems in the long run.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    It was a "fool your body" day. Don't worry about it unless you do it daily. *HUGS*
  • blleadon
    blleadon Posts: 187 Member
    If u are using the Mfp app you can look at your weekly goal and see that it can even out especially if you are under the other days. I look at the weekly goal because I plan my outings with friends ahead of time
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    I don't think you need to worry about yesterday at all!

    Question: Has your doctor put you on a 1000 calorie diet?
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i went over ( the first time) yesterday, but all my other days i have always been under by at least 200 calories. I probably was about 400-600 over ( hubby and I snacked on some cheese sticks and homemade chips and dip at a sports bar, i had 2 cheese sticks and probably half of the chips, should I deduct maybe 500 calories from today? or keep on my target of 1200 calories, help?

    if your daily target is 1200, I'd be willing to bet that an extra 500 calories wouldn't even put you over your daily "maintenance" calories. Meaning, you went over your goal, but didn't eat enough to actually put you in "weight gain" territory. Even if you did? none of us put one weight from one day of eating a few hundred too many calories. In fact, lots of us PLAN days where we eat at maintenance, to have a little reprieve from the stress of working so hard to stay "good". If you decide to indulge every once in a while, ENJOY IT, don't let guilt be a part of this journey!
  • ritaharper18
    ritaharper18 Posts: 2 Member
    Everyone is tight just forget yesterday, you ate a maintenance number of calories, It's OK once in a while. I think the most important thing is to record every thing you eat & drink, if you don;t you are only cheating yourself.

    For me recording everything I eat, , means I am less likely to have that treat as I have to see it on the screen, It helps me from going wrong. After I all put on weight because I consumed mover than I needed.

    The other I find useful is to earn calories for that treat by exercise.

    Walking, park further from the shops, good for the calories burnt. Also spend less as I have to carry the shopping back and no car park charges.

    Gardening, it's great for the sole, you get rewarded with your efforts every time you look at it.

    I lost 4 stone but have been stuck for a while and I think this site and app is great, easy to record and update. It provides me with a great visual recording. It has helped me see where I was going wrong, all those little cheats, but not now!
  • SStruthers13
    SStruthers13 Posts: 150 Member
    I think it's good to indulge once a week when we are running a calorie deficit as long as we don't go over our maintenance calories. I like to eat a big piece of cake or some other sweet treat. In the grand scheme of things it will not matter to our weight loss but our soul will be enriched.
  • janejetson50
    Do not go below your target caloric intake. It will balance out, just get right back on and add some exercise! It is not what you do one day but over time that counts. You will be fine.
  • anxietygirl
    anxietygirl Posts: 70 Member
    Yeah, I'd say just be chill. It's not a big deal, you're still at maintenance! Maybe go for a longer run the next day or walk a little further, but really either way don't sweat it.
  • jdad1
    jdad1 Posts: 1,899 Member
    If you are eating only 1200 calories then having a day where you actuelly give your body a closer amount to what you should be eating is a good thing.

    You asked what to do right. Eat above your BMR or you will not be giving your body enough food to sustain basic organ function.

  • LAMAnRLA91909
    One of the things I learned is as long as you do not go over the total number of calories for the week, you will be ok. I've had days where I was over (I ate candy, chips, etc. which I know I should not have done, but some times the temptations are hard to resist) but for the week I was under my calorie and I managed to lose 2 pounds.
  • Josalinn
    Josalinn Posts: 1,066 Member
    Try this idea called zig zaging http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm

    It supposedly helps you to not plateau and it helps with minor overages =)
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    OMG you went over with that much!!!! You might as well give up now.
  • OkieinMinny
    OkieinMinny Posts: 834 Member
    Try to pick up the pieces of your life and move on. Forget about yesterday.

    You DO have a more serious issue. You are eating 1200 calories and you try to stay at least 200 under that goal??

    you are eating 1000 or less calories a day? So you just had a binge day. This is about the worst pattern you can be setting up for yourself. Please start eating at LEAST 1200 a day, not under. I'm going to guess your TDEE and BMR are actually over that so you should be eating even more than that a day.

    I 100% agree with this, you need to figure these numbers out, I'm sure it will be much higher than you are eating, I eat 1745 cals a day, went overbuy 200 cals last night, and was down a pound this morning! Please eat more!
  • nikilis
    nikilis Posts: 2,305 Member