Drinking water makes me more hungry...

I barely ever feel thirsty. I'm perfectly happy only having like one glass of water each day, but I know I need to drink more to stay hydrated. However, I find that if I drink a load of water it makes me feel full for maybe an hour, but then after that I feel really, really, really hungry. It just seems to make it worse compared to if I didn't drink any to begin with.

Is 8 glasses of water a day really necessary?


  • 6 glasses a day is minimum, 8 is recommended.

    For me drinking water has the IMMEDIATE effect of making me hungry, but I combat this by drinking a glass with lunch and dinner (i drink tea with breakfast) and drinking my remaining 4 - 6 glasses slowly over the day (i carry arround a 750 ml pump water bottle).

    I found dirnking water very very difficult because i find the taste bland and sometimes impossible to stomach, depending on the place (yes, water taste does vary from house to house and work place to work place)

    Just try to drink 1 - 2 glasses with meals and have light snacks ready (and by light I mean LIGHT. Wholegrain crackers and whatnot) if you feel any hunger pangs coming on, I hope I helped!
  • rduhlir
    rduhlir Posts: 3,550 Member
    It should read 8 glasses of fluid. I dont' only drink water (I drink a lot of water, dont' get me wrong, because I run a lot), I mix it up with natural juices, coffee, calorie/sugar free drinks (lipton makes a really good green tea watermelon thingy). You should be judging it on how you feel and your urine. If it is clear then you are well hydrated. Another judge, at least for me, is how tired I get. If I workout without being hydrated, the next day I feel really, really drained.

    You just have to learn your body and learn when you need to drink more and when you can back off a bit.
  • aronao
    aronao Posts: 112 Member
    Personally, I dont think so. If I drank that much water, I'd be in the bathroom all day. I do drink coffee with soy milk, green tea, diet soft drink (but not caffeinated), plain mineral water/soda and some iced water too.