Pain after first time doing C25K?

Jonna13 Posts: 288 Member
Started C25K yesterday, and during the actual exercise I felt great! I was doing 5.2 during the running and 4.0 during the walking adding a 3.0 incline towards the end. About an hour after, I had an achy feeling in my right knee (seems to be okay now), but I woke up today and my groin/hip area is so sore! I have clicking noise as well in my right hip.

Anyone know what this is from? Will this happen everytime I run? I'm a total newbie to running so I'm not sure what is normal or not. I'm currently 137lbs.



  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    a month ago i tried doing that program. i had all sorts of problems. my knees and shins hurt so bad that i had to stop. i was never a runner and never did any sports that i had to do so. i gave myself a week to recover and decided to slow it down and work at it. so i started taking my dog for walks at the park where there is more hills. and when i would go to the gym i would walk and increase the incline more and more. i cant do much. but i can walk over 30 minutes without any pain at all. i did not have to ice anything or buy any fancy shoes. i can walk on a treadmill with the incline up to 6-8 when im up to it. today i finally let go of the training wheels on the treadmill at the gym and can jog at a 5.5. i only did it 5 minutes. but no pain at all.

    i weigh a whole lot more. im currently at 210. but if you can learn anything from me. maybe you just need to build up your legs to running. run when your up to it. walk and increase the inclines when you have pain. but dont push it. if you push though the pain you can further hurt yourself and make it worse. i did that my first week and it set me back from other activities. but i do notice the more i try, the better im getting.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    in my opinion, this sounds like you probably don't warm up, cool down, and stretch properly.

    it can also just be the very common aches and pains of a new routine. take some Tylenol and drink plenty of water.

    take it easy. get adjusted to the program.
  • kpnive
    kpnive Posts: 64 Member
    I joined a run club in my town and the one thing that they stressed is dont worry about your time (just yet). You have to work on your breathing and form, pace will come later. Before the run club i was too focused on pace and trying my hardest to run over a 5 on the treadmill. Right now, I am super satisified with a 12-12:21 pace because, I a not a full fledge runner, but i'm getting there. It will improve with time! Also - i was in pain too the first few times I've ran, because well, I never ran before. Just try not to do too much too soon. Build up to it! For the run club i am in - iti s for a 10k. so each week we tack on 10-20% from the week before. or kind of like .50 of a mile. Right now we are at 5miles! Good luck and be safe !