Weight loss "plateau"?

Hi everyone! This is my first post. So I started loosing weight at the end of October of last year when I was 228 pounds. Right now I hit the under 200 mark (199) wooo! but I stopped loosing weight for more than a week now and I haven't changed my diet. I have constantly hit plateaus... one at 219... one at 211.. one at 207... and now one at 199. I heard that you could kick start your metabolism if you have a "cheat day" one day so I tried that but I was too scared I would gain weight and I only went 400 calories over my goal calorie intake and it did nothing to help my weight loss. So does anyone have any tips for this situation? Thanks!


  • knightreader
    knightreader Posts: 813 Member
    one week does not a plateau make. give it time. if after a few weeks, like a month or so you still aren't losing weight, mix up your exercise, drink more water and continue to be patient. some people swear by a cheat meal once in a while. some people don't.

    be patient. even if you aren't losing weight, you are doing great things for your body.
  • Wendyvail
    Wendyvail Posts: 8 Member
    I am dealing with this too. I had to have surgery about 2 months ago and staved for days, then had to heal. Even now, I am working a job with less activity and know that affects things too. But I havent lost inches or weight in about 2 months. I have done the cheat day, the really light day, and been trying to keep up with the food intake, but it is hard when you arent seeing results.
  • allshebe
    allshebe Posts: 423 Member
    How many total calories are you averaging per day and how much exercise and what are your approximate net calories? I got a little stuck for a couple of weeks, but I was having "trouble" consuming 1200 total per day (never mind what my net was). I changed my goal to 1500 and now am managing around 1400 per day and I've started losing again. That said, I wouldn't be concerned or change anything (unless you are netting way too low) until the plateau hangs on for 3-4 weeks.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    We are like borg.

    If you aren't a star trek fan, what I mean is we adapt with frightening efficiency. You need to change up your diet, your workouts, and your routines. If you eat the same number of calories in the same ratio every day, your body will become efficient at assimilating those nutrients, in much the same way that people who drink need more alcohol over time, they adapt to process ethanol.

    Your muscles will gain memory over the same workouts, you will become more efficient at performing your favorite workout if you do it all the time, making you burn a little less until you become a running machine (If running is your favorite, for example)

    Add some things you normally wouldn't, learn how to east coast or west coast swing, find an activity you love that makes you move in the ODDEST way.

    Don't be a rock, or a tree. Don't stand against the wind, doing the same thing over and over. Be a river, flow, seek new challenges. When a workout becomes easy, you know that you're not getting any growth from it. If your tools stay the same, how can you continue to build your body? Collect more tools, more workouts, more challenges.

    Adaptation is progress, and progress leads to your goal weight. Adapt and achieve, stay still and falter. =)