I Want to Quit MFP....

But I'm not. There's nothing to quit. This isn't low carb, or low-fat, or some other extreme diet. It fits comfortably within my lifestyle. Even if I don't lose any weight I know I won't gain any using it so I'll continue. No weight loss in two weeks though; can you say "I've got the blues". It's not like I'm trying to drop 10 or 15 pounds over here. I've got an entire pre-school age child to lose! Annoying..... I've made some big adjustments in my opinion. I've starting working out regularly (I don't like working out) and cut the yolk out of my eggs (LOVE THE YOLK), switched to turkey bacon (A.K.A fake bacon) and nixed my daily coffee with the works(I own a coffee maker. Need I say more?). All of that and a sista can't get ONE pound??? I'm thinking about uping my calorie loss to 1 1/2 pounds per week. I'm going to California and Vegas in August so although this is a life change I still have a short term goal to accomplish.


  • shred_me_up
    shred_me_up Posts: 267 Member
    Sounds like you've hit a plateau, eat at maintenance for two weeks and then go back at it. Try switching up your exercise, if youre doing only cardio now, add in some strength training. If you already do strength training, try some HIIT routines.

    also don't cut out the yolk! read this:

  • todayis4me
    todayis4me Posts: 184 Member
    Hang in there....I have lost the equivalent of my nine year old but it has taken me two years and seven months....but this time as you pointed out I have done it by making it all fit within my life no gimmicks no fads just good food choices and sweating my butt off :) stay strong your on the right track
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    What kind of workout do you do? Are your clothes looser? I have gotten smaller myself, but the scale has moved very little. If you gain muscle, it will show on the scale, and your figure. Maybe you could measure instead of weighing. You may be surprised.
  • _journeyofavirgo
    _journeyofavirgo Posts: 16 Member
    Sounds like you've hit a plateau, eat at maintenance for two weeks and then go back at it. Try switching up your exercise, if youre doing only cardio now, add in some strength training. If you already do strength training, try some HIIT routines.

    also don't cut out the yolk! read this:


    I never thought I might be hitting a plateau this early in the game.. I always thought that happened after you've lost a significant amount of weight and your body begins to resist the weight loss. I haven't even cracked double digits yet!
  • _journeyofavirgo
    _journeyofavirgo Posts: 16 Member
    What kind of workout do you do? Are your clothes looser? I have gotten smaller myself, but the scale has moved very little. If you gain muscle, it will show on the scale, and your figure. Maybe you could measure instead of weighing. You may be surprised.

    I do dvd's.... Jillian Micheals, Hip Hop Abs.... stuff like that. They are all Strength training/Cardio combos. I've lost 2 inches in my hips but I'm concerned with the scale because I can't turn ALL of this fat into muscle. Nor do I want to.
  • Coast_of_Maine
    Coast_of_Maine Posts: 27 Member
    Isn't that the worst! You'll do it though.
  • jzammetti
    jzammetti Posts: 1,956 Member
    Two weeks is not a plateau, typically. Could just be a normal progression/adjustment time for your body...

    But it depends on how much you are eating and exercising. Care to share your numbers?
  • TheBaileyHunter
    TheBaileyHunter Posts: 641 Member
    In the same boat, working hard, seeing nothing on the scale...so I checked my measurements.

    Best damned thing I ever did. I've lost a total of 6.5 inches from top to bottom (2 of those being from my waist and another 1.5 off the hips)

    I also found information on here about how if you went from couch potato to working out, your muscles actually retain fluid as they repair and adjust to the new demands being put on them. Very helpful knowledge to keep me motivated at the gym, knowing it's normal and more importantly temporary!
  • CMay16
    CMay16 Posts: 144 Member
    No quitting!!

    Just because you are cutting these certain things out of your diet (coffee?? That's just crazy talk...never in a million years), you still need to think about what you actually are keeping in your diet too. What's your regular day like? Do you get lots of veggies and fruit? Are you getting lots of protein to keep you full throughout the day? Drinking a gallon of water? Would you consider your diet to be about 80-85% "clean"?

    The quality of what you eat is more important than the quanity, and I found when I made those teensy changes and incorporated them into my everyday life, that's when I noticed lost the most and felt the best.

    And I also started doing HITT type cardio - hard, short, and intense - and concentrating more on getting stronger than just getting smaller.
  • nataliecarter28
    nataliecarter28 Posts: 54 Member
    please don't give up. you owe yourself a healthy lifestyle. if you work out and eat well, you WILL lose weight.... eventually. when your body is ready to, not when your mind is ready to. when I started I GAINED 3 pounds in the first few weeks, muscle I assume. 4 months later, I've lost 20 pounds. DO NOT GIVE UP.
  • queenducky
    queenducky Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 20 lbs, but I hit a plateau at 9 lbs. That plateau lasted 3 weeks. I hit another at 18 lbs. That one lasted 5 weeks! Talk about discouraged! But MFP is so easy to follow, I just stuck with it. I got more careful about measuring, but that was the only difference. After 5 weeks, I lost 2 lbs in a week and a half, so maybe I'm moving again.
  • craigmandu
    craigmandu Posts: 976 Member
    One of the most important things to understand about weight loss is it rarely a linear progression. Some people lose alot before they do a small ping-pong....some don't.

    If you are staying true to your calorie deficit, and exercise routine, you will lose weight. If you were to graph it, it would probably look like a jagged line pointed downward (over a long period of time)... It's nothing to get discouraged over. Whenever I go up a little for a week, or have no loss at all, I will sometimes so over what I've eaten and done for the week. I'll even write it down, to ensure I'm being true to myself and not forgetting something.
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    Second on checking your measurements.

    30 DS is great - you'll lose inches more than weight but it's totally worth it.

    Don't stress too much if your weight loss is stalled this early in the game - I was stuck at one weight and actually gained. Then I monitored the sugar/salt closely, made some changes to my workout and was totally honest when I logged my food. The weight is now coming off.
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    What kind of workout do you do? Are your clothes looser? I have gotten smaller myself, but the scale has moved very little. If you gain muscle, it will show on the scale, and your figure. Maybe you could measure instead of weighing. You may be surprised.

    I do dvd's.... Jillian Micheals, Hip Hop Abs.... stuff like that. They are all Strength training/Cardio combos. I've lost 2 inches in my hips but I'm concerned with the scale because I can't turn ALL of this fat into muscle. Nor do I want to.

    Well, I will say this, you may lose some fat and build some muscle, but that does not mean you will be all bulked up. You would have to do some heavy lifting for that. I think once your fit body emerges from the shadows it will be a great thing to see.
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    nothing wrong with the yolk sista

    getting seriously freaked by the egg haters now :grumble:
  • 1223345
    1223345 Posts: 1,386 Member
    nothing wrong with the yolk sista

    getting seriously freaked by the egg haters now :grumble:

    I eat so many eggs, I sometimes eat just the yolk when my kids don't want theirs. NOM NOM NOM! :drinker:
  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Sounds like you've hit a plateau, eat at maintenance for two weeks and then go back at it. Try switching up your exercise, if youre doing only cardio now, add in some strength training. If you already do strength training, try some HIIT routines.

    also don't cut out the yolk! read this:


    I agree with this...totally. Plateaus can hit at anytime and sometimes it means shaking up the exercise and/or food routine. Yolks are mega good for you too, I love them!
  • wolfsvixen
    wolfsvixen Posts: 11
    Measure :) I haven't lost much in pounds but I have lost in inches. I'm still eating real food, I'm just watching what I'm putting in. No soda - which was the hardest for the first month because of the horrible headaches. It is very difficult to look at the scale and see it not move but tape measures don't lie. I've lost 3+ inches off my thighs in 2 months. My pants are way looser than they've been in a long long time. Don't give up. And egg yolks are good for you lots of good things in eggs. Don't fall for the hype!
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    nothing wrong with the yolk sista

    getting seriously freaked by the egg haters now :grumble:

    I eat so many eggs, I sometimes eat just the yolk when my kids don't want theirs. NOM NOM NOM! :drinker:

    me too. I never heard of an egg making anyone fat. You go girl, eggs are your friend :drinker:
  • StephGettinFit
    StephGettinFit Posts: 43 Member
    Go the "in place of a road map" thread on the forums here. It'll be very helpful to you. I have a feeling you might not be eating enough given your weight and muscle mass. Which causes people to hit plateaus

    Also those DVDs might be too easy for you? Make sure you are changing up your routine. Get some weight lifting in there. Good luck!