I want to lose 20lbs in 3.5 months - seeking goal partner

Hey there. I've gone from 164 to 183 in the last year and a half! I'll admit I had a fun time doing it, eating and drinking to lots of live music and with good friends. Somehow I also got lazy and got off my exercise routine. Of course now I'm pissed at myself!

So I'm trying to resume my old habits of exercise. Light weighs and elliptical. I have both in my home and a gym at work. Literally NO excuse in that regard.

I eat pretty well, but can over eat especially when I have a couple of beers, so I'm dropping the beer altogether for a while. I eat a Mediterranean'ish diet. A couple of years ago I did well on the Atkins diet, but it was hard to maintain after 8 months.

I'd like to lose 20/25lbs by Sept, is anyone willing in to do this along with me?

~Norm on the coast of Maine


  • oudixon
    oudixon Posts: 389 Member
    Good luck man. I have been doing this for 95 days today and I am down at least 46 pounds(weigh in is tomorrow). All I did was count Calories. During the work week, slimfast for breakfast and lunch(with an apple). and dinner I eat normal- usually out. I just keep it under 2000 calories a day. Nothing special. I think you can do it. Now, it also is easier for me, because I am so big. Best of luck man. My goal is to be 100 down by September. If not, it's ok.
  • Coast_of_Maine
    Coast_of_Maine Posts: 27 Member
    Dude good for you! All that weight loss has made your hair go funny though ;)