Hello Everyone

Hi: I am new to myfitnesspal but not new to the weight loss scene. I've fought with my weight since I was a kid. I'm a biologist and work in public health so I know the nutritional deal and understand the science and recognize the pseudo-science. I exercise 5 days a week, 40 minutes a shot on an elliptical. I turn 51 next month. My issue is that I eat when stressed and with two teenagers and 4 sets of aging parents, and a stressful job, I have plenty of stress in my life.

I have lost weight several times over the years, usually to gain it back in 3-5 years. I've done weight watchers and jenny craig, but never really been part of a community. My wife and I are both working on this together, which makes it better. But now the motivation for me is health and being there for my kids, and someday my grandkids. Of course I'd like to look good again and not be embarrassed when I go to the pool or beach. I am hoping to make some friends.

My best to all of you.